Are Apples Good For Inflammation?

I really love apples. And, I'm motivated to eat them because they are healthy. We all know that fundamentally, Grandma told us to eat an apple a day. The old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Not only is this wise advice from the old days of folk medicine, but it actually rings true.
Apples are very healthy because their skins contain a very potent bioflavenoid called Quercetin. This powerhouse nutrient is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. It's an antioxidant, so it neutralizes free radicals and protects our cells from damage.
Antioxidants are very important to our health. People automatically know this, but it's common that many don't know why antioxidants are so important. Cells are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which is the smallest building block in nature. Each atom is made up of a proton and neutron in the nucleus, and electrons in its outer shells. When free radicals invade, from ingesting junk food or exposure to environmental toxins, they rob the atoms of their electrons, rendering the atoms unstable. The atoms have to, in turn, rob electrons from their neighboring atoms in order to re-stabilize themselves. This is known as oxidative damage, and it slowly damages cells, one atom at a time.
Antioxidants are atoms with extra electrons. When we ingest antioxidants, the extra electrons can be used in the shells of the atoms, restabilizing them, and stopping the chain reaction of oxidative damage.
Low level inflammation is the cause of many degenerative diseases, and many chronic ailments. Some of the most common maladies that are helped with Quercetin include:
1. Asthma and Allergies, which are classic inflammatory conditions.
2. Diabetes, which is also causes inflammation.
3. Arthritis which is really helped by Quercetin in apples, and the results are felt as soon as a week or two of regular consumption. To really notice the difference, try eating two apples at night and see how you feel in the morning. Normally there is a lot of stiffness with arthritis upon rising, but the quercetin helps to remedy that.
I personally love apples for their effect on my asthma. My son and I both had it, and it has greatly reduced since we started being regular about more apple consumption. It also has helped my daughter's skin hives somewhat, which are caused by allergies.
Apples also contain pectin, which binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. In addition, it has ready energy when you are feeling down. Need a boost? Eat an apple. Shoot... have two.
You can also get your fill of fiber in apples, each apple contains 5 grams! We all need fiber to stay healthy, and apples fit the bill.
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