For A Healthier Brain, Be A Healthful Eater

Everyone wants a healthy brain. One of the most important things to consider is diet. You have to supply your brain with the right nutrients. You have to be a healthful eater. (Note that a healthful eater is not the same as a healthy eater.) So, are you a healthful eater? Maybe you're one of the many who will answer, "Sometimes." Healthful eating does tend to vary. I bet you can tell me when many stray from being healthful eaters. October and November through the end of the year. And when do we eat most healthfully? The beginning of the year when we have just made our New Year's resolutions. And again in the late spring when we're thinking of fitting into those bathing suits come summer.
It's all relative. Maybe when you're not at your best in terms of your diet, it still isn't too bad. But when people were polled last year they claimed to be eating less healthfully than at any time since 2008. That is not a good trend. The food you eat fuels your body. The healthier your diet, the better your body and brain will function.
If you want a sharp mind, start by eating a healthful diet.
  • Step #1: eat breakfast. You don't know how it pains me to say/write this. I have never been a breakfast eater. It drove my mother crazy when I was growing up, but I couldn't help it. She knew breakfast was the most important meal of the day. She wanted me to sit down and eat a proper meal. But I just couldn't do it. I sat there unable to eat anything, my stomach churning with anxiety thinking about whatever was supposed to happen that day. I just wanted to run out the door to school and get my day started.
  • Eat the right fats. That's right. Fats. Your body needs and uses fats so some of it should be in your diet, even if you're striving for weight loss. Omega-3s are particularly important. You'll find them in fatty fish like salmon, canola and
  • Eat monounsaturated fats like those contained in avocados. They, and polunsaturated fats, are better for blood flow than saturated and trans fats.
  • Eat the right carbohydrates. Those that provide a steady supply of energy are best. Think fruits and vegetables. Also oatmeal, and whole grains like brown rice, barley, oats, and quinoa.
  • Eat protein. Protein helps fuel your brain and takes longer for your body to digest. It staves off that hungry feeling.
Eat smarter and you'll be smarter, and reduce your risk of stroke and dementia.
Every day... Say NO To Stroke!
What you eat is important in determining how your brain and body function. Eating a healthful diet is one of the "10 Steps" you can take to live longer, and think better. Interested in the rest of the "10 Steps" you can start taking today to stay healthy, and decrease your risk of stroke and dementia? Visit and sign up for the newsletter.


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