Natural Sugars Vs Artificial Sweeteners: You Choose

You can't get enough of a good thing, right? Well, maybe not. Too much natural sugar in anyone's diet can cause a variety of issues including weight gain-that's why manufacturers turned to artificial sweeteners. These man-made alternatives dramatically decrease the calorie count in foods; this is particularly beneficial to those looking to control their weight or those needing to limit sugar intake due to diabetes. However, research now suggests artificial sweeteners may come at a price.
General Side Effects
Artificial sweeteners can cause a variety of side effects ranging from headaches, nausea, stomach upset, moodiness, and heart palpitations in certain individuals. Research also suggests that because of their super-sweet taste, these compounds can be much more addictive than naturally-occurring sugars.
Formaldehyde Production
Methanol, a component in aspartame, is broken down by the body into formaldehyde. And although some amounts exit the body through waste, some amounts stay behind. Consuming large quantities of foods and drinks with aspartame increases the likelihood of formaldehyde build up in the body, particularly in the liver and kidneys.
Since artificial sweeteners are relatively new, and are often combined with other chemicals, the oncology community has not conclusively proved that these compounds directly cause cancer. However several research studies have positively linked the use of saccharin to bladder cancer in rats, and another study reviewing the cases of 632 people affected by bladder cancer concluded that those using artificial sweeteners ran a higher risk of developing this form of cancer.
Do healthy diets need to give up sugar all together? Absolutely not! Many great alternatives to sugar can help you embrace a healthy lifestyle. Foods sweetened with honey, maple syrup, agave, or stevia not only taste great but offer a variety of benefits to your diet. However, healthy snacks should limit sugar. It's especially important to limit sugar in snacks for kids. High sugar intake in children can negatively affect mood, behavior, and sleeping patterns. Look for protein bars, granola bars, and other snacks that offer low-sugar or sugar alternatives to provide the healthiest snacks for your child.
The choice is yours. While too many natural sugars may lead to weight gain, too many artificial sweeteners may lead to serious health risks over a lifetime consumption. Healthy snacks exist as a good medium ground. Low in sugar and free of artificial sweeteners, snacks including granola and protein bars can offer excellent nutrition without any potential side effects.
Read more information about healthy snacks and where to order gluten free snacks in our blog.


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