The Secret to a Healthier Body Is Simple - Drink More Water!

The body is highly composed of water, right? We all know that, but how come so many people are neglecting their H2O intake on a daily basis? We secrete, urinate, and get rid of our water in many other ways - this needs to be restored and the only way to do that is to drink water or other types of liquids.
Everyone wants to be better, but so many people that preach for a solution to their health problems never try one thing... one very simple thing... many people never try to BE HEALTHY!
It's not hard. Something as simple as drinking the suggested amount of water each day poses a challenge for the majority of people in the world. Meanwhile, water is virtually the most affordable thing in our lives. It's easy... as long as you want to, you have no excuse for not getting enough water each day.
Why Is Getting Enough Water So Important?
The body starts to shut down if it gets dehydrated. So, not providing your body with the amount of water that it should get each day - roughly eight cups - is putting your body at risk of shutting down its normal functions.
Here are just some of the many repercussions that can follow as a result of not getting enough water each day.
  • Water supply is no longer available to dilute toxins so that they can be eliminated from the kidneys through urine.

  • Kidney stones begin to form due to build ups of urea and mineral salts.

  • Kidney infection and urine stasis begins to develop.

  • Waste removal from the colon becomes difficult, which leads to constipation, hemorrhoids, malnutrition, and many different gastrointestinal diseases.

  • Oxygen intake is limited as a result of a lack of water in the lungs, which is normally responsible for minimizing friction within the lung cavity and the pleura walls.

  • Dry and unhealthy skin begins to develop.
The list goes on and on!
So, what would you rather do? Take the time to drink eight cups of water every day or have to deal with eight medical problems every day?
I don't know about you, but I'll take the water!
Anyway, it's not even that bad... you don't have to literally consume eight cups of plain old water. You can spice it up by having tea, juice, or even flavoring your water. The point is simply to get enough liquid into your body so that it can function as efficiently as possible. Of course, be considerate and don't just rely on unhealthy beverages, like alcohol and pop, to make up for your water intake needs.
Robin Reichert is an AFPA certified nutrition consultant, AFPA certified personal trainer, Beachbody coach and freelance writer specializing in health and fitness. She has been involved in the health and fitness industry for over 10 years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of San Francisco and a Master of Science in natural health. Her services include both in-home personal training and online fitness coaching. To find out more about the Beachbody coaching business or some of Beachbody's most popular fitness programs, such as P90X or Insanity, you can visit her blog and/or website at


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