Improving Health Through Exercise and Nutrition

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Natural Antibiotics And Natural Cancer Killers

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Healthy Eating Habits To Lose Weight Quickly

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Promoting Healthy Eating Habits In Children

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Healthy Eating: Five Main Food Groups

Healthy eating is not about deprivation or about unrealistic restraints put on yourself. Healthy eating is about making healthy food choices. It's about consuming the right amount of foods from all the food groups in order to achieve the healthiest life possible...

Our Return to Basic Nutrition

Life has a way of getting away from us. Work, school, kids, our schedules are full. We look for everything that is quick at mealtime. Many of us find ourselves choosing the fast food empty calorie options. Our bodies need the proper nutrition in order to function efficiently. Our diet is lacking nutritional substance and it is easy to understand the increase in ill health. I'm not just referring to diseases like cancer, although cancer is also a symptom. I am really referring to people who just never feel well. They complain of fatigue, body aches, headaches, colds, coughs and a myriad of other little symptoms, that point to an unhealthy population. Could a nutritional makeover be in order? Maybe we need to get back to the basics.
I think that we first need to understand food and nutrition by taking a look at Canada's Food Guide. Most people have a least seen the Food Guide. It explains the four different food groups, the number of portions of food from that group, and the size of those portions, that we should be consuming everyday. However, I have found that many people don't understand the importance of following the guide. I am perplexed at how little people actually understand about nutrition in general. It is my opinion that because of our crazy schedules and fast paced environments, it is more important than ever, to reinforce the value of good nutrition.
Canada's Food Guide has been around since 1942, and there have been many changes over the years. Originally the Food Guide had to work with wartime rations. As food became more abundant, the guide changed to reflect the new standard. As well, scientists began to research the effect that nutrition had on men, women, and children. As they grew to understand nutrition, they incorporated that knowledge into the guide. Over the years there have been significant changes to the information as well as the look, but the one thing that has always remained the same, is the division of the guide into the four food groups of Milk and alternates, fruits and vegetables, grains (carbohydrates) and meat and alternates. I would like to discuss each group and how provide for our body.
Milk and alternates is the category that affects the structure of your body. The calcium that they provide, strengthens our bones, which is especially important for children and maturing women. The deficiency of calcium causes the loss of bone density, leading to fragile and deformed bones. As we age, we lose density in our bones as a natural process to aging. You can see this effect by the loss of teeth in the elderly. Calcium on it's own, is very difficult for the body to absorb. Vitamin D is beneficial as it helps your body better absorb the calcium. Where can you get your supply of vitamin D? Well you can get a certain amount of vitamin D from milk, but you can also find it in fish, beef liver, eggs and cheese.
Fruits and vegetables are the powerhouse for vitamins A, C and E, all of which build your immunity to many chronic illnesses. They provide fiber for your body to aid in elimination, beta carotene for good vision, heart and lung health and immunity to disease, and anti-oxidants to protect from harmful chemicals. In some cases you can group fruits and vegetables together by colour to know what they provide for the body. Dark green leafy vegetables provide vitamins A, C, K and iron and folic acid that promote heart health and help to protect the body from some cancers. Orange vegetables like carrots and squash contain beta carotene (which the body changes to vitamin A as necessary) and red vegetables and fruit contain lycopene (an antioxidant that protects against heart disease). Of all the food groups, this is the one we should be reaching for the most.
Grain products are cereals, pastas, breads, bagels, and pretty much anything containing flour. We have to be careful with grain products because not all are equally as healthy. We need to look for complex grains in our foods. Cereals should be sugar-free and made from whole grains such as wheat, oatmeal and bran. When reaching for breads, bagels and pastas, make sure that they are made with whole wheat flour. This is the group that we get our energy from. The foods in this group break down into sugars which our bodies use for energy. However, if you are eating carbohydrates made from white flour, the carbohydrate burns off quickly and can convert too easily to fat. If you eat something from a whole grain, it takes longer to break down and therefore fuels the body for longer, regulating the sugar circulating the body.
Vitamins and minerals work synergistically to provide all the ingredients that our bodies need to function and be healthy. If you eliminate any one of them, it upsets the balance needed in the body to maintain this good health. It is important that we choose from each of these food groups on a daily basis. It might be a good idea to find a copy of Canada's Food Guide to know each food group and portion sizes for your daily intact. Good health resonates into your later life so following a proper nutritional diet early, is the best defense against disease.
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Can You Be Deficient In This Critical Nutrient?

Up to 80 percent of Americans may be deficient in this critical nutrient and the health consequences are more significant and complicated than previously understood.
This critical nutrient is magnesium.
According to the latest research, 3,751 magnesium binding sites have been detected on human proteins, indicating that its role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated.
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, of which half is found in your bones. It is used in over 300 enzymes in the human body, including those enzymes responsible for:
  • Action of heart muscles
  • Creation of energy or ATP (adenosine triphospate)
  • Formation of bone and teeth
  • Promotion of proper bowel function
  • Relaxation of blood sugar levels
  • Regulation of blood vessels
What's more, magnesium is anti-inflammatory. It is also the most powerful relaxation mineral - it is an antidote to stress. It can help improve your sleep as well as migraine headaches which is a result of the contraction of brain blood vessels leading to reduced blood flow.
A number of studies have shown that magnesium serves as the nutritional version of the highly effective class of drug called calcium channel blockers used in the treatment of high blood pressure, angina, and abnormal heart rhythms. The effect of calcium is that it causes muscles to contract while magnesium relaxes them.
In the emergency room, if someone is dying of a life-threatening arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), intravenous magnesium can be applied. If a pregnant woman has high blood pressure (pre-eclampaia) or seizures, intravenous magnesium can be used. If someone is constipated or has to prepare for colonoscopy, milk of magnesia or liquid magnesium citrate can empty the bowels.
Magnesium also plays a role in the body's detoxification processes and therefore, is important for helping to prevent damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins. Even glutathione, your body's most powerful antioxidant requires magnesium for its synthesis.
Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency
There is no lab test that will give you a truly accurate reading of the magnesium status in your body. A blood test is highly inaccurate because only one percent of magnesium in your body is distributed in the blood - magnesium stays primarily inside your cells.
Other tests that your doctor may use include the 24-hour urine test and the sublingual epithelial test, but these are only estimates of your magnesium levels and have to be evaluated in conjunction with your symptoms, which may include loss of appetite, headache, nausea, fatigue, and weakness.
The following are more serious conditions that can be caused in part by an ongoing magnesium deficiency:
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • ADD
  • Anal spasms
  • Angina
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma
  • Autism
  • Constipation
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • High blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Irritable bladder
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Kidney stones
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Migraine headaches
  • Muscle cramps or twitches
  • Numbness and tingling
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Palpitations
  • PMS
  • Reflux
  • Sensitivity to loud noises
  • Seizures
  • Trouble swallowing
Why Magnesium Deficiency is So Prevalent
The reason is simple: Many of us eat a diet that contains practically no magnesium - a highly processed, refined diet that is mostly based on white flour and sugar.
Additionally, magnesium levels are decreased by excess caffeine, phosphoric acid in sodas, salt, sugar, alcohol, profuse sweating, prolonged or intense stress, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation, some intestinal parasites, diuretics (water pills), antibiotics, and other drugs.
This is all further complicated by the fact that magnesium is often poorly absorbed and easily lost from our bodies. To properly absorb magnesium, we need a lot of it in our diet, plus enough vitamin B6, vitamin D, and selenium.
How To Reverse A Magnesium Deficiency
1. First and foremost, stop draining your body of magnesium by limiting excessive caffeine, soda, salt, sugar, and alcohol consumption. Up to 60 percent of alcoholics have low levels of magnesium.
2. Beware that an unhealthy digestive system (such as Crohn's disease and leaky gut) will impair your body's ability to absorb magnesium.
3. Certain medications (such as antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, digoxin, diuretics, and steroids) may lead to increased magnesium loss. Check with your doctor if you are taking such medications on a prolonged basis.
4. Eat plenty of foods that are magnesium-rich:
  • Dark leafy greens (e.g. spinach and Swiss chard)
  • Nuts (e.g. almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts) and seeds (e.g. squash, pumpkin, and sesame)
  • Beans and lentils
  • Dark chocolate and cocoa powder
  • Whole grains (e.g. brown rice, quinoa, and wheat bran)
  • Fish (e.g. mackerel and halibut)
  • Avocados
  • Bananas
  • Seaweed
  • Basil, coriander, cumin, and parsley
What About Magnesium Supplements?
One of the major benefits of getting your nutrients from eating whole foods like dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds is that you are much less likely to end up with too much of one nutrient at the expense of others. Foods, in general, contain all the co-nutrients needed in the right proportions for optimal health. When you are using supplements, you need to be extra careful about how nutrients affect each other.
For instance, it is extremely important to maintain the proper balance between calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2. That's why taking mega doses of calcium supplements without the other co-nutrients, especially magnesium, have been associated with increased risk of heart attacks and stroke. As mentioned earlier, calcium causes muscles to contract while magnesium relaxes them.
Americans typically have a higher calcium to magnesium ratio in their diet, averaging about 3.5 to 1. According to some research, this may be way too high for our bodies - something closer to 1 to 1 may be more appropriate for most people. In addition, a great number of Americans are deficient in vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, resulting in an imbalance among the co-nutrients.
Therefore, anytime you take any calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, or vitamin K2 supplements, you need to take all the others into consideration as well, since they all work synergistically with each other.
Different Types Of Magnesium Supplements
Be aware that there is no 100 percent magnesium supplement as magnesium must be bound to another substance. Whatever it is bound to can affect the absorption and bioavailability of the magnesium and may provide slightly different results.
The most absorbable forms are magnesium aspartate, citrate, glycinate, and taurate. Magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (fumarate, malate, succinate) are also good and can be used to correct a magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium carbonate, gluconate, oxide, and sulfate are not as well absorbed. However, they are cheaper and most commonly found in supplements. They tend to have more of a laxative effect.
In general, it is quite safe to take from 400 up to 1,000 mg a day. Side effects from too much magnesium is loose bowels and diarrhea.
Magnesium threonate is a newer, emerging type of magnesium compound which appears to better deliver magnesium to the brain. It crosses the blood-brain barrier and gets into the cell membranes to provide positive effects on cognition and memory and improve sleep quality. It also has less of a laxative effect than other forms of magnesium.
A Word Of Caution
People with kidney disease or heart disease should not take magnesium except under their doctor's supervision as it may affect the dosages of their medications.
It is very rare to overdose on magnesium from food. However, people who take large amounts of milk of magnesia (as a laxative or antacid), epsom salts (as a laxative or tonic), or magnesium supplements may overdose. Excessively high doses of magnesium may cause nausea, vomiting, deficiencies of other minerals, severely lowered blood pressure, confusion, slowed heart rate, respiratory paralysis, coma, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac, arrest, and death.
Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and a Metabolic Typing Advisor. She has a Masters degree in Nutrition and is the founder of CC Health Counseling, LLC. Her passion in life is to stay healthy and to help others become healthy. She believes that a key ingredient to optimal health is to eat a diet that is right for one's specific body type. Eating organic or eating healthy is not enough to guarantee good health. The truth is that there is no one diet that is right for everyone. Our metabolisms are different, so should our diets. Carol specializes in Metabolic Typing, helping her clients find the right diet for their Metabolic Type. To learn more about Metabolic Typing, her nutrition counseling practice, and how to get a complimentary phone consultation, please go to

10 "Healthy" Foods That Could Pack On The Pounds!

Sometimes what we to believe to be "healthy" foods are actually add inches to our waistline! Somewhere in their ingredients is a dirty little secret! This secret either says they are loaded with sugar, preservatives, or highly processed. These can easily be substituted with more healthy foods that can help you keep your weight from creeping up even though you are eating "healthy."
Dried Fruit
Manufactures usually cover their dried fruit with sugar and other additives to help maintain its shelf life causing you to consume a large amount of unwanted sugar. Also remember that you are consuming more carbohydrates in a smaller package!
Substitute with this: dehydrate your own fruit own at home.
Trail Mix
While this stuff can be great when you are hiking and burning a ton of calories, it's not an ideal snack for the office because the excess sodium and sugars can quickly add up. Not to mention the version with chocolate pieces in it!
Substitute with this: purchase raw nuts.
Wheat Bread
Most wheat breads are not much more nutritious as regular white bread and can contain the same amount of calories.
Substitute with this: make sure your bread is 100% whole wheat.
Smoothies are great but don't think that just because the concoction you buy at the store is healthy just because it says "smoothie" (which are usually full of sugars).
Substitute with this: homemade smoothies are super easy to make.
Fruit Cocktail
While it sounds completely healthy, when purchased at the store, it is usually coated with syrup to increase its shelf life and taste (check out the ingredients).
Substitute with this: buy your own fruit and cut it up.
Cereal/Granola Bars
While convenient, granola bars can be loaded with salts and sugars to help preserve them, not to mention have a lot of calories with their nutrient content comparable to a snickers bar. Also many versions contain chocolate as well which can add a substantial amount of calories,
Substitute with this: roast your own oats or granola.
Light Salad Dressing
While this is a lot better than normal salad dressing, look at the list of ingredients next time you are making a salad (the ingredient list is a mile long). There is a ton of sugar and sodium in this stuff.
Substitute with this: balsamic vinegar can be amazing on a salad.
Fat-Free Yogurt
While it might have a reduced amount of fat compared to its counterpart, it has an enormous amount of sugar for flavoring. This sugar of course adds up to a bunch of calories!
Substitute with this: Greek yogurt is a great substitute. Plus it can be a great source of probiotics.
Fruit Juice
The amount of sugars in this stuff is amazing, and in some instances can be more than the sugar content of soda. Don't be fooled by the label "fruit" many times this simply means fruit flavoring... with a huge dose of sugar!
Substitute with this: buy only 100% fruit juices!
Corn Chips/Tortilla Chips
This is one that I'm guilty of consuming a lot (I love salsa). Corn chips have a massive amount of sodium and are full of fats and calories which can quickly add up!
Substitute with this: you can make your own (though time-consuming).
If you would like more information on living a healthy sustainable lifestyle check out Always Active Athletics. There you'll find "Your #1 Source For At-Home Fitness!"

Tips For Using Green Coffee Bean Extract As A Food Supplement

Green Coffee Bean Extract is one of the most popular food supplements in the world. People are always buying it and in the more dependable supplement stores, it can sell out as soon as they put it on the shelves.
This is because there are studies out there that show that it works for weight loss. The main studios are surrounding the main component Chlorogenic acid. This component has been shown to have an effect on the burning of fat and overall weight loss.
In fact, a study in India, into the effects of Green Coffee Bean Extract, found that when people took the supplement twice a day, during their weight loss regime lost almost 10% of their body weight in 5 months.
Other studies seemed to replicate the findings, thus supporting that Green Coffee Bean Extract does in fact have an effect on weight loss and burning fat. The famous Dr Oz in particular did one study. He compared weight loss results of one group of women, who were taking the supplement, with a control group, who were not taking the supplement.
The results confirmed that the women taking the supplement did see more weight loss. These results support other findings and have led to more people using the supplement to achieve their weight loss goals.
Negative Results
If you are reading this article and you are thinking that you have seen some users that have given the supplement a bad review on the website that they bought it from.
However, this is more about them and their expectations for the pill, rather than the pill itself. For example, it is not marketed as a magic pill that will make you lose weight no matter what you do. So you shouldn't expect to eat fast food and not exercise, but still lose weight because you are taking the pill. It does take some effort on your part.
If you are thinking about using Green Coffee Bean Extract as part of your weight loss struggle, then read on for some tips on how to take them.
1. Supplier - The old saying goes that you get what you pay for, so don't expect to pay cheaply for the supplement and it will have the same effect. The cheaper the supplement, the more likely it is that there is a small amount of coffee bean and then it has been diluted with other ingredients. If you want pure coffee bean extract, then you should expect to pay a little bit more. You should also stick to a reputable supplier and brand because their supplements are regulated and they will have to put the ingredients on the label. You should not take any supplements that do not have the ingredients clearly listed on the bottle.
2. Instructions - If there are instructions on the bottle, then you should follow them. If you take them any, which way you like, you should not expect to reap the benefits of taking Green Coffee Bean Extract. Some brands might even include a diet plan for you to follow. If they do, then you should follow the diet plan, but you can switch some options if you don't like them. Just plan to change it for something that has the same amount of calories in as the item that you have removed. You know that the extract is meant to be taken as a supplement and not as a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Custom Health Labs is one of the best suppliers of natural health supplements in the world. They have established themselves as an industrial leader in the industry, with their facility being FDA registered and GMP certified. In the manufacture of their products, they only use the highest grade, raw materials, with nothing synthetic and no hidden ingredients, to bulk their supplements. Their main focus is on customer service and customers who contact them will speak to a real person. They do not have computer generated services like some other companies in the industry. They also supply a printing service and custom formulas. You can visit their website at

Are Apples Good For Inflammation?

I really love apples. And, I'm motivated to eat them because they are healthy. We all know that fundamentally, Grandma told us to eat an apple a day. The old saying goes, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Not only is this wise advice from the old days of folk medicine, but it actually rings true.
Apples are very healthy because their skins contain a very potent bioflavenoid called Quercetin. This powerhouse nutrient is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. It's an antioxidant, so it neutralizes free radicals and protects our cells from damage.
Antioxidants are very important to our health. People automatically know this, but it's common that many don't know why antioxidants are so important. Cells are made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which is the smallest building block in nature. Each atom is made up of a proton and neutron in the nucleus, and electrons in its outer shells. When free radicals invade, from ingesting junk food or exposure to environmental toxins, they rob the atoms of their electrons, rendering the atoms unstable. The atoms have to, in turn, rob electrons from their neighboring atoms in order to re-stabilize themselves. This is known as oxidative damage, and it slowly damages cells, one atom at a time.
Antioxidants are atoms with extra electrons. When we ingest antioxidants, the extra electrons can be used in the shells of the atoms, restabilizing them, and stopping the chain reaction of oxidative damage.
Low level inflammation is the cause of many degenerative diseases, and many chronic ailments. Some of the most common maladies that are helped with Quercetin include:
1. Asthma and Allergies, which are classic inflammatory conditions.
2. Diabetes, which is also causes inflammation.
3. Arthritis which is really helped by Quercetin in apples, and the results are felt as soon as a week or two of regular consumption. To really notice the difference, try eating two apples at night and see how you feel in the morning. Normally there is a lot of stiffness with arthritis upon rising, but the quercetin helps to remedy that.
I personally love apples for their effect on my asthma. My son and I both had it, and it has greatly reduced since we started being regular about more apple consumption. It also has helped my daughter's skin hives somewhat, which are caused by allergies.
Apples also contain pectin, which binds to toxins and carries them out of the body. In addition, it has ready energy when you are feeling down. Need a boost? Eat an apple. Shoot... have two.
You can also get your fill of fiber in apples, each apple contains 5 grams! We all need fiber to stay healthy, and apples fit the bill.
For more Healthy Habits tips, visit my website

Five Power Foods for Healthy Living

A healthy, balanced diet is paramount to promoting your body's health and wellbeing. There are tons of foods which are extremely beneficial to the human body with a number of them preventing disease and weight gain. Read through this introduction to our five power foods of choice and learn to incorporate these great ingredients into delicious healthy dishes.
Power food 1: Salmon
Salmon is no stranger to the healthy foods group and has been praised over the years for its health benefits and disease preventing properties. Salmon is packed full of protein and has a high content of amino acids, making it a true powerhouse food. Salmon has been revered over the years for its high content in the fatty acid omega 3. You've heard of omega 3, right? If not then welcome to the rest of your life! Omega 3 has long been hailed for its tremendous effects in decreasing cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks and strokes. In addition, omega 3 is also beneficial for the eyes as it combats macular degeneration and chronic dry eye. The omega 3 content in salmon is also a major preventer of cancerous development and has long been noted as the ideal power food to reduce the risk of cancer.
Power food 2: Beans
Beans and other legumes are a great source of vegetarian protein and high quality carbohydrates. Legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber and also contain high amounts of magnesium, iron and potassium. Some great legumes which you should include in your daily diet include black beans, kidney beans, white beans, soy beans, chick peas and lentils. The nutrients in beans and legumes lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. This fruit will reduce the risks of coronary artery disease, diabetes and osteoporosis, leaving you with a happy, healthy heart. Now that's a power food!
Power food 3: Kale
Kale seems to be the power food which flies under the radar. It's like the talented kid that keeps to himself and nobody realizes his full potential, until it comes to graduation and he walks away with every prize on offer. That's kale! Kale is closely related to wild cabbage and when steamed the health benefits can be astronomical. Kale lowers cholesterol and greatly reduces the risk of bladder, breast, colon, ovary and prostate cancer. Like most other cruciferous vegetables kale is packed full of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties. The cancer prevention abilities of kale can be attributed to its wealth of glucosinolates. Once ingested, the body can use these glucosinolates to form cancer preventing compounds, safeguarding the body against cancer. In addition, kale's effects on cholesterol make it great for cardiovascular support and it is also a brilliant for its detoxifying properties.
Power food 4: Açaí
If Açaí berries could talk they would probably say something like, "You may call me - The Energy Fruit!" Why, because that's exactly what they are! Açaí contains stacks of antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids. They also contain monosaturated fats, dietary fibre and phytosterols which are great for promoting cardiovascular and digestive health. Some might say that the Açaí is almost the perfect amino acid complex, and seeing as amino acids are responsible for muscle contraction and regeneration Açaí finds itself perfectly positioned as power food number four!
Power food 5: Almonds
Finally, at number five, we find our old friend, the almond. Almonds are one of the world's healthiest tree nuts. They promote a healthy heart, prevent weight gain and fight diabetes and Alzheimer's. Almonds are rich in magnesium and are great at preventing heart attacks and hypertension. An effective food for reducing cholesterol, almonds have also long been hailed as a great weight gain preventative. Large amounts of protein and fibre ensure that you don't overeat, proving a great weight management food. They regulate blood pressure, contribute towards gastrointestinal health and combat diabetes. Almonds health benefits are extensive and that's why the almond proudly represents the nut family as power food number five.
You are what you eat, an old saying which holds true. Expect to get back from your body whatever you put in. If you want to ensure health and wellbeing then you must be prepared to give your body the nutrients that it needs to function at optimum efficiency. Incorporate these power foods into your diet and notice phenomenal results.
This article was published by Paul H. Proctor on behalf of Unwind. Unwind is a revolutionary mobile app connecting clients seeking a massage with local massage therapists.

Butter and Margarine: Serving Up the Facts

Butter or margarine? In recent years there's been a lot of debate about which is better. And as soon as people make up their minds about their new favourite spread, another theory appears just to confuse things again. But fear not. In this short article we'll dish up all the facts in the ultimate margarine vs. butter fat fight.
Round one
Leslie Fink, a registered dietician and contributor to the Weightwatchers website, sums up the butter or margarine situation well:
"You were happily buttering up that bagel when you heard the news: Butter's a major artery-clogger. No problem. You switched to the better-for-you margarine. But now there's lots of controversial information about that, too."
Round two
A good place to start is the facts about fat. There are typically three major types of fatty acids - saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Butter has a high amount of saturated fats and research has shown that these can raise bad blood cholesterol levels, resulting in a higher risk of heart disease.
Margarine on the other hand is made from polyunsaturated fats like corn or sunflower oil and is often hydrogenated. This is a chemical process that makes oil more solid and enhances margarine's flavour and shelf life, but also creates not-so-healthy trans fats.
Round three
Luckily, most margarines today hardly contain any trans fats at all. This is because when makers of margarines and spreads realised that trans fats were not so good for your health, they changed the way they made their products.
Soft margarines no longer increase the risk of heart disease, because they are not partially hydrogenated anymore. And, some modern margarines even has plant sterols that help to lower cholesterol.
Knock-out round
And now for the final punch to help you choose between butter or margarine. Although margarine is made of simple ingredients these days, a lot of thought goes into the making of each tub of goodness. The base of all margarines is formed of oil and water and to make sure they blend, lecithin or egg yolk is normally added. To keep each tub of margarine fresh spread after spread, it contains citric acid or lemon juice. And, to bring out its natural flavours, a tiny bit of salt forms part of the essential ingredients too.
So it comes as no surprise that the American Heart Association is amongst many who recommend buying soft, trans-fat-free spreads instead of ordinary butter. When you're out shopping, look out for blends with the least amount of saturated fat and zero trans fats. If the tub mentions partially hydrogenated oils, it still contains some trans fats (less than 0.5 gram per serving), even if the food label says trans fat free. You can even cut your calories further by choosing light or low-fat margarine. These variants have added water to reduce the fat and overall calorie count.
Ask Sue Batty if she prefers butter or margarine and she'll say margarine without thinking twice. That's because margarine is the secret ingredient in all her cooking and baking. Sue is a renowned chef and home economist, and helping companies develop and test new products. She also writes recipes, teaches at schools and enjoys a good, brisk walk with her dog. For more interesting facts on margarine and inspiring recipes, visit

Which Protein Powder Is Best for Women?

If you have been pursuing a regular workout routine, you might be considering adding protein powder to your diet as a meal replacement or after a workout. Using protein powder as a meal replacement or after a workout has been shown to increase fat loss results. So which protein powder is best for women? It basically depends on your fitness goals and also your budget.
Types of Protein Powders
Whey protein (meal replacement)
Whey protein powders come in many different flavors and from many different brands. Whey is the protein by-product when milk is separated to make cheese. Most of the fat goes to the cheese curds and you are left with the protein. This is why whey protein is an excellent choice for women to take. It can be used anytime, as a meal replacement, a snack or even as an extra boost in your smoothie.
Whey Isolate
Whey isolate is a purified version of regular whey protein. Whey isolate protein is a great choice for after a workout. Whey isolate is a quickly absorbed protein which means the amino acids will get into your muscles post-workout to help start the repairing process. Use of whey has been shown to increase fat loss, especially when used after a resistance training workout. This type of protein, is usually low in carbs.
Casein Protein
Casein Protein is a good choice a meal replacement or before bed. The reason why it is a good choice for those times, is that casein is slowly broken down by your body which means good continuous fuel for your muscles. This helps repair them over night or keep your hunger hormones in check through out the day.
Other Types of Protein Powders
There are several other types of protein powders such as egg, soy and vegetable. These are options if you are lactose intolerant or are a vegetarian or vegan. I do recommend staying away from soy, as it can increase estrogen, which is counter-productive to losing fat.
My recommendations on the best protein powders for women:
I recommend several brands that are easily found at nutrition stores near you.
Musceology Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Grass fed
Genesis Pure Complete Shake
Nuskin My Victory Protein
Another good protein mix is Grass-Fed Whey Protein. You can find it at your local supplement shop; it is rBst and rBgh free. It is also gluten-free, soy-free, and lactose-free. Also a great recommendation for a meal replacement is the Genesis Pure Complete Shake. It is low in carbohydrates and will help you stay filled up. It contains 20 grams of protein and is filled with a great amount of vitamins. All you have to do is mix one scoop of it with purified water or any type of milk of your choice.
Regardless of your gender, protein powders are key in staying fit, everyone needs protein! When you exercise hard, your muscles end up slightly damaged and you will be needing protein to help rebuild damaged muscles. The quicker you do this, the better, which is why taking protein powder is ideal to meeting your fitness goals. Most powders work really well, the thing you want to keep in mind is that it is all about preference. The beauty about protein powder is that, say you do not have a meal on to eat; a quick combination of protein and milk can replace a high in protein meal. Be sure to keep in mind though that there should be a balance between food and supplements. Make sure you are not substituting supplements for meals too much.
So which powder is best for women? There are tons, just pick the one that suits your needs and goals!

Everything in Moderation?

I got to thinking about this phrase recently. We definitely use it a lot, often towards the purpose of helping ourselves eat healthier. But then I started thinking about what this means and what it says to society given the abundance of fast food, junk food, and processed foods.
Clearly this phrase means something different for everyone. If your guilty pleasure is fast food, for example, moderation for some people might mean to eat it only once a month. For another person it might mean to indulge only once a week. And for another it might mean just once a day. So who is right? Who's practicing moderation here? Frankly, everyone is in their own definition of the word. "Moderation" has no clear boundaries. By using this term are we really helping ourselves or only letting bad habits linger?
Then there is the word "everything." I assume this encompasses all types of foods. Now some may disagree with me, but I think some edible items that are stocked in the grocery store should never be consumed at all. I might even dare to say they aren't actually food but a concoction of chemicals or lab-altered fats. Depending on if you agree with me or not depends on how you interpret the "everything in moderation" tagline.
I realize there is no right or wrong answer here, but in my opinion health would be better served if we made some foods "never" foods. Nope, no moderation here folks. I mean never. I know that will never actually happen, but I'm going to put it out there for you to think about. Do you think there are foods (and in many cases I think we are using the word "food" very loosely) that should never be consumed?
Let me give you Danielle's purely subjective list of "eat in moderation, "never eat" and "eat regularly" foods.
Eat in Moderation
1. Anything with added sugar (ice cream, candy, chocolate, etc)
2. Breads, pasta and other handmade bakery items
3. Anything processed (ie you bought it in a package from somewhere in the middle of the grocery store)
Never Eat
1. Most Fast
2. Anything with trans fats
3. Most brands of cereal
4. Microwave popcorn
5. Soda/Pop with high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners
6. Any artificial sweeteners except for Stevia
Eat Regularly
1. Vegetables
2. Fruit
3. Nuts/seeds
4. Legumes
5. Organic tofu
6. Grass-fed animal products (meat, dairy, eggs)
7. Low-mercury, wild seafood (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel)
I know a few of these are a tad ambiguous. All types of fast food? "Most" cereals? I could go into more detail about each of these, but I think you know what I am aiming for there. Is Chipotle OK? Probably. What about organic bran flakes? Sure, maybe once in awhile. It's the processed, sugar and fat-laden foods that I'm talking about here. Use your judgment, listen to your gut (pun intended),and I think you will know the right answer.
Danielle VenHuizen, MS, RD, CLT is a Registered Dietitian who helps her clients achieve health and vitality through food, not pharmaceuticals. She specializes in working with food sensitivities, Diabetes, Cardiovascular health, Digestive Disorders, and healthy pregnancies. For more expert health advice visit her blog at

For A Healthier Brain, Be A Healthful Eater

Everyone wants a healthy brain. One of the most important things to consider is diet. You have to supply your brain with the right nutrients. You have to be a healthful eater. (Note that a healthful eater is not the same as a healthy eater.) So, are you a healthful eater? Maybe you're one of the many who will answer, "Sometimes." Healthful eating does tend to vary. I bet you can tell me when many stray from being healthful eaters. October and November through the end of the year. And when do we eat most healthfully? The beginning of the year when we have just made our New Year's resolutions. And again in the late spring when we're thinking of fitting into those bathing suits come summer.
It's all relative. Maybe when you're not at your best in terms of your diet, it still isn't too bad. But when people were polled last year they claimed to be eating less healthfully than at any time since 2008. That is not a good trend. The food you eat fuels your body. The healthier your diet, the better your body and brain will function.
If you want a sharp mind, start by eating a healthful diet.
  • Step #1: eat breakfast. You don't know how it pains me to say/write this. I have never been a breakfast eater. It drove my mother crazy when I was growing up, but I couldn't help it. She knew breakfast was the most important meal of the day. She wanted me to sit down and eat a proper meal. But I just couldn't do it. I sat there unable to eat anything, my stomach churning with anxiety thinking about whatever was supposed to happen that day. I just wanted to run out the door to school and get my day started.
  • Eat the right fats. That's right. Fats. Your body needs and uses fats so some of it should be in your diet, even if you're striving for weight loss. Omega-3s are particularly important. You'll find them in fatty fish like salmon, canola and
  • Eat monounsaturated fats like those contained in avocados. They, and polunsaturated fats, are better for blood flow than saturated and trans fats.
  • Eat the right carbohydrates. Those that provide a steady supply of energy are best. Think fruits and vegetables. Also oatmeal, and whole grains like brown rice, barley, oats, and quinoa.
  • Eat protein. Protein helps fuel your brain and takes longer for your body to digest. It staves off that hungry feeling.
Eat smarter and you'll be smarter, and reduce your risk of stroke and dementia.
Every day... Say NO To Stroke!
What you eat is important in determining how your brain and body function. Eating a healthful diet is one of the "10 Steps" you can take to live longer, and think better. Interested in the rest of the "10 Steps" you can start taking today to stay healthy, and decrease your risk of stroke and dementia? Visit and sign up for the newsletter.

Watch Out For Snacking When Driving

Think about the last time you may have munched on some food while driving your car. Not only is this a hazard (and not recommended) since your mind is not entirely focused on driving, but you're also not thinking about how much you are actually eating. If you have the habit of snacking when driving you may be eating more than you should. Depending on how often this occurs may be one reason for weight gain or the inability to lose the weight that has already accumulated.
The problem when snacking when driving is that you may not realize how much food you are putting in your body. Depending on the length of your drive, you may easily be tossing food in your mouth for 30 minutes or more. Worse yet, the snacks you may have in your car are likely a box of cookies or bag of potato chips - both of which are unhealthy, wasted calories that provide no nutrition for your body.
Snacking When Driving Can Add Tons Of Wasted Calories Into Your Body
It's true that eating healthy snacks in appropriate portion sizes between meals is a good practice to maintain. However, far too often snacks consumed when you are in "automatic" mode go way overboard which means an excess amount of food enters the body at that one particular moment.
Try to get in the habit of NOT eating when preoccupied with another task such as snacking when driving a car, reading a book, watching tv, or even using the computer. These are examples of times when the brain is primarily focused on something else and our hand/mouth can easily go into automatic mode.
If you are determined to continue snacking while doing another activity, don't do so from a bag or box. Eating in this manner leaves you open to excessive munching. Remedy this by having a pre-portioned snack with you along with a bottle of water (not a soda or juice).
Try and have your snacks prepared and stored in your refrigerator so they're always ready to go in an instant. A fruit with a bottle of water makes a simple "to go" snack and is only about 100 calories total! If you have more time, you can slice up different fruits to have a nice variety of tastes. Almonds mixed with raisins or granola bars make great low-calorie travel snacks also.
Avoid Snacking When Driving Or When Doing Any Other Leisure Activity
The next time you go grocery shopping, make sure to buy healthy items so it's easy for you to snack in an appropriate manner. Once you have the snacks in your possession, you are halfway there to healthy munching throughout the day! Now it's just up to you to stick with it and avoid the temptations to fall back into the old unhealthy routines.
Gregory L. Gomez, an elementary school teacher who's also on a mission to develop a healthy life, lose weight, and finally get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 80 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get some cool freebies just for stopping by at

Five Powerful Food Pairing Combinations

Preparing meals to get the most nutrients into your body and for them to be absorbed is really pretty simple once you learn the most important power couples of foods. This makes things so much easier when you are preparing snacks, smoothies, even large meals. There are certain myths of food combinations that are floating around on the internet which is why I wanted to share with you the top 5 food combinations to get the maximum benefits from your meals to fuel your day
1. Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat Combination:
I recommend building most of your snacks and meals with this simple, yet amazing trio combination. This aids in muscle repair and will really help sustain your energy throughout the day. Pairing carbohydrates and proteins is a key that a lot of people miss. There are a lot of misconceptions about carbohydrates, so many people tend to exclude them from their diet, which really, is doing your body a disservice. Did you know that your body's metabolism runs off of glucose- which comes from carbohydrates? If your body does not have some sort of carbohydrate at least a few times a day, your metabolism will not function to the best of its ability. That means - even to digest and process protein and fat, your body NEEDS carbohydrates. I am not talking about just bread - in fact I would recommend more whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, millet just to name a few. Complex carbohydrates that slowly digest and do not raise your blood sugar in a hot minute. Carbohydrates work as a taxi for the protein, carrying it where it needs to go faster. So while protein works with muscle repair and energy, fat keeps you full longer. This way nutrients trickle into the places that they need to be in and stay there longer which is great for endurance or long days at the office. Protein and fat also help with brain function. If you are a busy business owner this combination is good for you.
How does this work with juicing you ask? Have a tsp of almond butter with your juice to help it digest slowly into the muscles. Have a small snack of whole grain crackers as well with your juice. That is a perfect snack for a midday slump instead of reaching for the candy bar or bag of potato chips.
Sources: Greek Yogurt with almonds or walnuts and fresh fruit, whole grain rice crackers with nut butter, quinoa with vegetables and cheese, or salmon with brown rice and vegetables.
2. Iron and Vitamin c:
Pay attention to this combination if you are vegetarian. While the body can readily absorb iron from animal sources most of the time, iron from plant sources like spinach, kale, etc., need the help of vitamin C to get the full benefit and have it properly absorbed and sent to where it needs to go. This pairing needs to be consumed in the SAME MEAL to get the benefits of enhanced iron absorption. Iron helps the body fight off fatigue and soreness by carrying oxygen to the muscles.
Sources: Lentil salad with lemon and red bell peppers, spinach strawberry salad with pumpkin seeds, Brussel sprouts with sesame seeds with a little lemon.
3. Vitamin D and Calcium:
I am sure this is not the first time that you have heard how important vitamin D is for your health but let me stress this... IT IS SOOO VERY IMPORTANT that you are getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a very large role in our immune system and if you are not getting enough, you will start to experience all sorts of health problems which can certainly be avoided. I check ALL of my clients' vitamin D levels and keep a close eye on that number. I have done a lot of research on this amazing vitamin and trust me, I am not saying this for my own health, you need to be aware of what your number is. The magic number is over 50. So how can you get those most of the vitamin D in the foods we eat? Add calcium. Your body needs vitamin D to effectively absorb calcium, which is often lost in sweat. Calcium keeps your muscles healthy as well as keeping your bones strong. The key to this combination is to spread it out throughout the day since the body can only absorb small am ounts of calcium at a time.
Best sources of calcium: yogurt, broccoli, arugula, dried figs and almonds. Vitamin D is naturally present in fatty fish like salmon and tuna as well as egg yolks.
4. Carotenoids and Dietary Fat:
Did you know that a diet too low in fat can actually do more damage than if you consume large amounts of fat? The fat I am talking about is the good fat obviously - not a stick of butter as Paula Deen would want, of course that is terrible for you no matter how you look at it. A diet too low in fat can also leave your body ill equipped to absorb vitamins and carotenoids that aid in immune system function. Your body can only absorb these fat-soluble vitamins and compounds when fat is present.
Healthy sources include: Avocados, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, paired with brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
5. Complementary Protein Pairings:
Protein is the building block for muscles, organs and connective tissues in the body. There are many animal protein sources as well as many vegetable protein sources. So whether you are a plant based eater or you like a little meat in your diet, this combo could offer you some great health benefits. Vegetable protein sources offer the combination of protein, fiber and multiple vitamins and minerals without saturated fats found in animal protein. Beans and other protein rich plant sources typically do not have all of the amino acids in them to call them a complete protein which is why it is good to pair them with foods that contain the other needed amino acids, this will make the meal a complete protein packed with multiple nutrients and minerals. These combos do not have to be eaten in the same meal, but they do need to be eaten within the same day to get the full benefit.
Sources and Combos: Rice and beans, hummus and pita bread or rice crackers, lentils with nuts and seeds.
Colleen M. McCarthy RD, LD, CLT is a registered and licensed dietitian and author of Drinks on Me!, an informational and how-to book for the beginner juicer. Colleen holds a Bachelor of Arts in dance, a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and is a Certified LEAP Therapist. Colleen is a member of the AND, Georgia Chapter of the AND, American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Gluten Intolerance Group, Celiac Disease Foundation, among others. She specializes in food sensitivities and sports/ wellness nutrition. Food sensitivity detection and coaching entrepreneurs on the link between good health and business success are Colleen's specialties, as well as working with athletes with food sensitivities. Visit to sign up to receive Colleen's free special reports The Importance of Mind/Body Connection.
She is living with celiac disease herself, so she knows the frustrations of doctors appointment after doctors appointments, getting nowhere and just wanting to feel better. She is also a current freelance professional dancer and knows the value of proper eating to increase endurance and performance. In her free time, Colleen loves listening to music, going to see live music, dancing, Pilates, Yoga, shopping, spending time with her new nephew and being with friends and family.

Healthy Living Tips For Men

With all the advances medicine has made in recent years it has become much more efficient at treating many health problems that we have. We all know however it is best to avoid health problems all together. By following a few simple healthy living tips you may be able to do this.
Men often ignore abnormal health symptoms and avoid going to doctors. This may be part of the reason why women tend to outlive us. Make sure that you have a yearly checkup. Make the appointment and keep it. There are some that need a little push so get a family member involved that will make sure you go to your doctor. It is in your best interest as well as theirs.
Avoid eating processed and fast foods. These are the types of foods that are full of sugar, unhealthy fats and salt. Instead include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean cuts of meat into your diet. Try to eat two meals of fish per week. A good tip when grocery shopping is to concentrate on items that are on the perimeter of the store. This is the area where you will find fresh foods. The aisles, for the most part, is where the unhealthier foods are.
The leading cause of death today is heart disease and regular exercise is known to be the best way that you can prevent it. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes each day. Choose something that you enjoy doing and it will be easier to stick with your program for the long term. Swimming, walking, softball or other forms of aerobic exercise will give you the most benefit.
One way that you can determine if your health is at risk is by your waistline. If your waist is larger than 40 inches this may be a reason for concern. Studies have shown that men with larger waistlines are more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other health issues.
You can do this in two ways. Take a multivitamin each day and make sure your diet includes vitamin rich foods. Eating foods that are high in fiber will help you accomplish this. One side note here, some commonly prescribed drugs have the effect of depleting our bodies of needed nutrients and vitamins so if you are taking anything for a condition you have it would be a good idea to speak to your doctor about this on your next visit.
While some of this may be obvious it is still worth mentioning. Don't smoke. This is one of the leading health risks that we face today. Even second hand smoke can have negative affects on your health and the health of people around you. It is a major contributor to lung cancer, COPD, emphysema and other diseases.
If you drink alcohol make sure that you do it in moderation. While some alcohol consumption has been reported to reduce the risk of heart disease doctors recommend that you do it in more healthy ways such as exercise. Alcoholism has negatively affected many people along with their families.
Stay away from drugs such as cocaine and anabolic steroids. Cocaine has been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke. It has become all too common for men who are trying to increase body mass to resort to steroids. Unfortunately there is a high price in term of health that is often paid.
By following these simple guidelines you can greatly increase the probability of living a much healthier and productive life. You will not only feel better but look better as well.
If you are looking for more information and tips to improve your health visit our blog at Healthy Living for Life immediately. You will be on your way to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

The Lose Man Boobs Diet

You suffer from Man Boobs. Your Man Boobs have developed over time due to a bad diet and lack of exercise. If you are looking to lose your Man Boobs or Male Gynecomastia you need to start looking at your diet. What do you eat? Diet accounts for approximately 70% of the way we look and physical activity 30% . Ask any fitness, personal trainer or athletes, bodybuilders or sports players, they will all tell you the importance of Diet. The following are some facts of how you may have developed Man Boobs through your daily diet.
  • Do you consume lots of Soya products? Soya milk, Soya beans or Soya Fillers? Soya products tend to contain a lot of plant estrogen which can cause enlarged man boobs.
  • Lose fat. Obesity can cause higher levels of estrogen which leads to man boobs. Men tend to store fat in their upper bodies so it is worth changing your diet.
  • Avoid empty calorie, fatty & fast foods. Severely cut back on the burgers, sodas and start eating more fresh foods and lean meat. Cut back on the red meat and look for vegetarian options. Start eating healthy fish options or fresh vegetables.
  • Do you tend to eat heavy in the evening and have the coffee and donuts in the morning. Stop! Eat more small healthy meals throughout the day. Feeding your body with healthy foods and snacks throughout the day increases your metabolism. When that happens you naturally burn more fat.
  • Start eating more low Glycemic Index carbohydrates. Do a search on Google on low GI cabs and you will get a comprehensive listing.
  • Avoid diet beverages. They have negative health effects and can even increase your appetite most of the times for wrong type of foods
  • How much water do you drink? Though so, not much! Drink plenty of water. Flush out the toxins in your body and speed up metabolism and fat loss.
  • Start drinking Green tea. Again speeds up your metabolism.
  • Cut down on the alcohol and marijuana. Monitor the units you drink. Excessive drinking and smoking causes male breasts.
  • Increase your testosterone levels naturally by eating vegetables such as Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Collard Greens, Radishes and Turnips just to name a few.
As a Male breast sufferer reading the above list may sound all new to you. Or you may have heard it all before but have never bothered to change your diet. Just remember that for most male gynecomastia subjects, lack of a healthy diet and exercise is what has let themselves down. You don't have to accept having man boobs. You ultimately can make changes from today. The ball is in your court, what do you want to do?
If you are looking for a way to naturally eliminate your male breasts, do take the time to read Azghar Rizvi's male breast information blog. Suffering from male gynecomastia is embarrassing. You do not have to suffer with this problem anymore. If you decide to take action today, your male breasts will become a thing of the past.