Proper Nutrition For Middle-Aged Men

If you want to stay healthy, you need to make sure that you're feeding your body properly. Unfortunately, most people have a somewhat skewed idea of what exactly eating the proper foods is. This is really a matter of misinformation, not only from people who are trying to sell you on their own particular type of eating but also from some of the people who should know better. A good example of this is the food pyramid.
Although it is a good idea to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables and it never hurts to have enough protein in your diet, the food pyramid is considered by many to be inadequate for individuals who are trying to maintain their optimum health. One of the reasons why this is the case is because it tells you to eat a certain amount of meat on a daily basis but it is not necessary for you to do this. Yes, you need to have some protein in order to maintain your muscle mass but this protein can be found in a number of different sources, including vegetables. The fact of the matter is, most of the meat that is available on the open market today is so loaded down with chemicals that it is really not fit to eat. You might also be surprised to learn that supermarkets are now permitted to spray meat so that it appears to be fresh, even after it is turning brown because of age.
You should also make sure that you're getting more vegetables on a daily basis than what is recommended on the food pyramid. One of the easiest ways for you to do this is by drinking a green smoothie every day. Although it may not sound very appetizing, it is not only one of the most nutritious drinks that you can have, it is also rather delicious. Choose two of your favorite fruits and blend them with a handful or two of greens in a blender. Mix in a little bit of water and some ice and you will have a delicious smoothie that we'll give you all of your greens for the day in one easy serving. Not only that, the greens are already totally broken down so it is easy for your body to be able to assimilate them.
There is also some thought that you need to eat five or six small meals every day in order to keep your metabolism going strong. Although this can help in some ways, if you're eating the proper foods you will only need to eat three times every day. The reason why this is the case is because it will give your body the opportunity to digest the food that you have already taken in, instead of always working on the digestive process. This will help your body to totally use all of the food that you put into it, even though you are eating a somewhat reduced calorie diet.
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