Do Quick Diets Work?

Drink this shake and eat a sensible dinner... take this pill, eat what you want and watch the fat burn away... sprinkle this on your meals and the weight just drops! These ads all sound great right? Anything quick and relatively easy ESPECIALLY if we can eat what we want AND lose weight just sounds spectacular. BUT do they work? Well in essence yes they do. If directions are followed you absolutely will lose weight. The key to this weight loss success is MAINTAINING the weight loss and unfortunately with these "get slim" quick products unless you plan to follow them for the rest of your life chances are more than likely that you will gain most if not more weight back.
I'm sure you already know what REALLY works, that's what it's all about right? Eating right and exercise blah blah blah. How many times have you heard that before? Gets old doesn't it? Trust me you are not alone. If you love food, and really could care less about exercise YOU ARE NOT ALONE! But let's not get comfortable there. Even though you are not alone we are not going to fall into the "misery loves company" mindset (not at all saying you're miserable but you get the point). Though many feel this way we have to figure out how to stop feeling this way and start taking action so we feel and look better than ever! So what exactly is that you ask? Well keep reading.
Here is what separates the majority from the few that actually eat relatively well most of the time and make it a point to exercise... they have made up in their MIND that they are going to get it done. Yes for a while they may have wanted to eat better, they may have even wanted to exercise. They set a goal and kept it for about a month and then got bored, something came up, or they weren't getting results like they wanted. Sound familiar? Finally in them something clicked. They realized it was going to take more than just a WANT and setting some GOALS to get this done. They were going to have to get their MIND in the game. Once you have your mind made up, usually there is no stopping you!
So what is your mindset right now? Are you setting realistic goals for yourself? How have those resolutions been holding up? It's one thing to WANT something but it's another thing to want it and make up in your mind that you are going to do it!!
No more get slim quick solutions. Yes we are a quick society, we like fast food, fast cars, fast results, express lanes, in and out appointments etc., but you have to keep in mind whatever your dealing with in health and wellness did not happen overnight. Making up in your mind that it's time for change and allowing yourself the TIME to actually make those changes are key to not just healthy weight loss but a healthy lifestyle in which the weight loss is maintained, doctors are shocked, and you feel great!
Let me ask again, where is your mind right now? If your mind is not in it 100% respect that. No problem! The great thing is you're being honest with yourself. You know YOU! Now I do hope you don't stay there but you're being realistic. What will it take for you to get there? What do you need? What has to change? When? Ask yourself these questions and more because it's TIME to feel better AND look better!
For those that are ready- your mind is made up and you are focused, how are things going? Are you becoming discouraged or still determined? STAY IN THE GAME!!
So what are you going to do?
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