How to Lose Weight and Get Healthy

Losing weight and getting healthy are different sides of the same coin and can both be achieved using the same simple adjustments to your lifestyle. We have for many years been convinced that losing weight is some hard slog that most never achieve. Well in reality most don't achieve it because they are doing it wrong. Many are told what to eat by some diet group not to mention the humiliation of weighing in while others watch. What has weight really got to do with health anyway?
Most of us have been brought up on the 'a calorie is a calorie' dogma which is now being questioned. That is because the evidence is showing that it is less about how fat you are and more about how healthy you are. Being fat is an indicator but it isn't the whole story. The great thing is to slim down and to get healthy is quite simple and can be done without feeling like you are depriving yourself but you first need to understand that it is the processed rubbish that is making you ill.
So what is wrong with processed foods?
Over the last few decades we have moved more and more towards processed foods as it is cheap and lasts a lot longer than fresh food. The down side to this is that in order to make it last longer it has things added to it to make it last. It often has fibre removed so things can be frozen and with the blame being put on fat the fat is often reduced. The problem with that is food with low fat tastes rubbish so they add more sugar to make it taste good. All in all the food is tampered with to make it less healthy and in many cases make you eat more.
How should we be eating?
What is amazing about the obesity pandemic is that it is as a result of the world doing something wrong that we used to do right; eat. We have survived for thousands of years by eating food provided by nature yet food companies now think they can do it better. They clearly cant. The solution is to eat natural fresh foods that give us the nutrients that fuel our body. Think of it this way. Processed foods fuel the fat cells. Natural food fuels the real you, things such as the organs, the muscles and the bones.
So getting back to the original point of how do we lose weight and get healthy. Simply put you eat real food that has not been messed with by man. If it has a food label you must ask yourself if you really need it. By making this one change you will find food fills you up for the length of time it is meant to making you eat less. You will have more energy to exercise which will all together allow your body to slim down naturally in its own time. This is exactly how I did it. No calorie counting, no getting weighed in public, no buying low fat foods. Eat real food and get healthy for life.
For more information about weight lose and how to get fit and healthy visit


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