Improving Health Through Exercise and Nutrition

When we talk of health, physical health is what is understood though our mental health is also a very important component of any health and fitness plan. The definition of health is not a universally accepted one and it is described as the absence of illness and injury...

Natural Antibiotics And Natural Cancer Killers

The medical establishment is quite blatantly failing to develop efficient antibiotics for many microbes, viruses and pathogens which have become resistant to pharmaceutical drugs. Mother Nature is ready to help and teach us, but only "when the student is ready...

Healthy Eating Habits To Lose Weight Quickly

Are you desperate to lose weight quickly? Have you tried everything under the sun and still struggling to lose that unwanted belly fat? Do you keep blaming your metabolism for weight gain? If you answered yes to the above then let me stop right now...

Promoting Healthy Eating Habits In Children

Healthy food can help your child to grow. The right kind of food can help your kids in developing a good body, make their minds alert, and help them improve in their learning. A common factor, which often encourages children and adults to buy junk food...

Healthy Eating: Five Main Food Groups

Healthy eating is not about deprivation or about unrealistic restraints put on yourself. Healthy eating is about making healthy food choices. It's about consuming the right amount of foods from all the food groups in order to achieve the healthiest life possible...

10 Super Foods Which Keep Cancer at Bay

It's perplexing when you come across metaphors and quotes that compare food with good health and mental stability for the first time. You tend to wonder why is there a comparison, and how do they really benefit our health system.
To quote an example, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is a very famous saying which is used most commonly by teachers in schools and doctors who recite it to young patients. However the true meaning and how it came into existence is not truly understood. The ancient researchers and doctors studied and experimented with the apple, which made them come to a conclusion that the ingredients present inside this fruit has medicinal values and can help a person maintain their health condition all through their life by consuming it at least once in a day.
Almost everything that you eat is enriched with nutrients that help your body to maintain its essence and can also cure sickness and disorders. You tend to crib when your parents or doctors advise you to eat vegetables and fruits and sometimes even leave you with no other option than to eat them. Least do you realize that they are filled with nutrients and when consumed habitually, help our body to stay fit and reduces the chances of getting affected by diseases and dire sickness.
Super foods - What are they and how do they benefit you?
Super foods are categorized as those foods that hold medicinal value and are consumed to maintain good health and even cure diseases. There are various Super foods which are proved to have unique ingredients that can eradicate sickness. These are scientifically proven to benefit health conditions and are prescribed even by doctors today as a remedy to find ailments and various health disorders.
Cancer is one of the disease, researchers have proved can be treated and be kept at bay with certain Super foods and 10 of the most important ones are listed below:
1) Berries - Berries are enriched with antioxidants which protect cells from getting affected by cancer. It also contains polyphenols which repair damaged cells and also reduces their content in the body. They are also enriched with cancer fighting ingredients such as fiber and vitamin C. Researchers have proved that berries can fight against skin, lung, breast cancers and bladder. Berries are tasty and are used as ingredients in various prepared or baked foods like muffins, cereals, salads and pancakes to name a few.
2) Grapes - Grapes are commonly prescribed Super food by doctors to cancer affected patients. Purple and red grapes are enriched with Resveratrol, which is a chemical plant and antioxidants preserved in the outer layer of the skin. Research and study conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research have shown that these ingredients stop cancer cell from spreading and growing inside the body. Grapes are best prescribed to patients affected by Breast, Liver, Stomach and Colon cancer.
3) Cruciferous Vegetables - Cruciferous vegetables like think broccoli and cabbage are enriched with cancer fighting ingredients such as indole-3-carbinol, glucosinolates, and crambene as per the study conducted by the American Institute for Cancer Research. Other ingredients such as sulforaphane help the body to keep cancer at bay and also help reduce the cancer cells growth in the body. Cruciferous vegetables can help fight Breast, Stomach, Skin, Pharynx, Mouth, Esophageal cancer and Larynx.
4) Tomatoes - The bright red color that glows on the outer skin is due to an antioxidant called the lycopene which reduces the damage of cells and eradicates the ones that are not growing right. According to Dr. Wilhelm Stahl, antioxidant researcher and a professor and at a University in Germany, these antioxidants can protect the skin from cancer by absorbing ultraviolet light emitted by the sun. Tomatoes are recommended to patients affected by Breast, Lung, Endometrial, Skin, Prostrate and Mouth cancer.
5) Garlic - In mythology, garlic was used to scare away vampires! However, scientifically they consist of antioxidant called allyl sulfides that disturbs the cancer process. These antioxidants also help reduce the chances of cells from getting damaged or infected. Garlic can fight Breast, Stomach, Lung, Esophageal and Colon cancer.
6) Flaxseed - Flaxseeds are enriched with lignans which is an antioxidant, which assists the body to improve immunity in the body and reduce inflammation. Flaxseed can best be suggested to patients affected by Breast, Colon, Lung cancer and Skin.
7) Tea - Tea is enriched with an antioxidant called catechins and various studies and research has proved that it can help reduce the growth of cancer cells and reduce tumors. Tea can be prescribed to patients suffering from Liver, Colon, Breast, Lung, Prostate, Skin, Stomach, Bladder and Pancreatic
8) Legumes - Legumes such as peas, lentils and beans contains natural photochemical which stop cancer cells from reproducing and spreading inside the body. According to the American Institute of Cancer Research, fibers present in these legumes reduce the chances of falling prey to Stomach and Colon cancer.
9) Whole Grains - Study shows that people who consume whole grains habitually can reduce the risks of cancer by almost 45%. The antioxidants present in whole grains help in not getting infected by cancer causing agents and protect the cells. Whole grains help reduce the chances of getting infected by Colon, Stomach cancer and Breast.
10) Dark Green Leafed Vegetables - These vegetables contain antioxidants that help in cell to cell communication and help control the growth of cells which protects our DNA. Dark green leafed vegetables are prescribed to patients affected by Skin, Breast, Lung, Mouth, Stomach, Larynx cancer and Pharynx.
Doctors have not yet been able to find the perfect cure for cancer, however with these Super foods, you can ensure that cancer is controlled and kept at bay. These Super foods contain nutrients that can help mature or maintain our immunity system which acts as a shield to protect your body from diseases like cancer. Spreading awareness and educating the people around you about the importance of these Super foods can help bring down the rapid increase in the number of cancer patients and also help those affected by this disease.
For more informative articles please visit

3 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

You're eating right, working out hard, and doing all the right things, yet the scale won't budge!
What could be going on?
Well what you think is "right" may actually be doing you more harm then good. It's not your fault. There's so much confusing information out there and a lot of that information is faulty, meaning it's not going to get you the fit and toned body you truly desire.
So instead of giving in to the next fad diet try incorporating some of these diet tips into your program first and see what kind of awesome results you end up with
1. Avoid low calorie diets.
Eating less may seem like the way to go, but the truth is when you go too low on calories your body actually starts to store fat.
See when you don't eat enough, your body thinks you are starving and it does everything it can to conserve fat. It will burn muscle for fuel and slow your metabolism down before it will ever touch your fat stores.
Your body is not sure when you'll be eating again so it sure as heck isn't going to give up that precious fat of yours! That stuff could feed you for weeks.
So rather than focusing on eating less calories, focus on eating quality foods. Whole, nutrition, natural foods that will increase fat burning hormones.
2. Put the carbs down!
Americans it way too many carbs. All that extra sugar is just making us fatter, and the problem is you may think you're doing good, and not eating too many carbs, but I encourage you to spend a few days and add up how many carbs and sugars you are really eating.
Carbs are everywhere, especially if you're eating a lot of packaged and processed foods. I'm going to guess you may very well be surprised at how many places you find carbs!
Now some carbs are necessary but 4 or 5 in one sitting is just unnecessary and definitely going to slow down your weight loss.
I suggest getting no more than 150 grams of carbs per day. Ideally 75-150 grams for most people is optimal.
No this is not a low carb or no carb diet, just a healthier level of carbs that will optimize your fat loss and as an added bonus will even boost your energy levels!
3. Eat those fats.
Do you think you're being "good" by limiting fats? Well think again.
The necessary fats are needed by your body and actually boost fat burning hormones, keep you fuller longer, and have wonderful health benefits.
Additionally, fats can help you fight cravings. Yeah cravings for those carbs you need to cut back on!
So eat lots of healthy fats including coconut oil, olive oil, chia seeds, fish or fish oil, avocados, grass fed meats and eggs, grass fed butter, raw nuts and nut butters.
Just have a little bit at each meal.
So try one or all of these tips. See what happens. It can't hurt to try it right?
By the way, I created a video on this very topic. If you're struggling to lose weight you should check it out.

10 Dynamite Healthy Snack Foods

We all need quick snacks we can chow-down when we are in a hurry (and we just need healthy snacks in general). I'm not talking about grabbing a cheese burger or a candy bar. Having healthy foods ready can be the difference between sticking with your nutrition plan or buying a bigger belt! Check out these ten healthy snacks!
1. Peanut butter and banana slices on crackers/rice cakes - I love the combination of peanut butter and bananas. It gives you a prolonged energy boost when you are experiencing that afternoon crash! You can either have this on rice cakes or use your favorite cracker!
2. Greek yogurt and fruit - A small bowl of Greek yogurt and blueberries, raspberries, or even peach slices is simply amazing! This also provides you with a ton of energy, protein, calcium, and probiotics! You can even add some cashews or almonds to the mix!
3. Celery with peanut butter and almond slices/raisins - Talk about deliciousness for relatively low amount of calories! Get the energy boost from the peanut butter and nuts/raisins for a relatively low amount of calories! Plus they are incredibly easy to make, anyone can do it!
4. Watermelon slices with mixed nuts - Any combination of fruits and nuts like pistachios, almonds, and almonds make for an amazing snack that you can put in a container and easily take to work! Experiment with a combination of the two!
5. Horseradish roast beef on cucumber slices - The horseradish gives it a perfect amount of spiciness to combat the cooling sensation of the cucumbers! Plus the roast beef (or smoked salmon as pictured) adds a nice salty flavor (plus protein).
6. Whole grain bread, peach slices, peanut butter, and sliced almonds - This is the whole package on one slice of bread. I prefer this with toasted bread and normal peanut butter to provide you with a powerhouse of energy, protein, and numerous vitamins and minerals!
7. Peanut butter, nuts, in between two apple slices - Make an amazing snack sandwich out of apple slices with peanut butter and other mixed nuts! Simple to make and really provides you a good dose of protein and energy!
8. Black beans, garden salsa, and pita chips - I love pita chips (cinnamon pita pictured here) and salsa but when you combine it with black beans (or any other beans) you get a protein and energy boost that will stick around awhile (slower digesting)! Or you can simply add the two to any Mexican dish you have!
9. Meat (ham/roast beef) wrapped mozzarella- If you need something to hold you over until your next meal try this! All you need are a few string-cheese mozzarella sticks and a pack of ham or roast beef! Wrap the two and BOOM energy and sustenance!
10. Avocado, black bean, sweet potato, garden salsa burrito - Add a little Mexican flavor to your diet! This can easily be a meal in itself! As if you were creating a normal burrito, use avocado, black beans, brown rice, sweet potatoes (will give it a salty and sweet taste), plus fresh garden salsa to have a dynamite snack or meal!
These snacks are perfect because they can be made in no time, put in a container, and taken to work! Make some of these incredible, healthy snacks today!
For more amazing nutrition and fitness information, visit Always Active Athletics where you will find your #1 source for at-home fitness!

Top 5 Foods to Avoid

Eating healthy is a crucial factor of any healthy lifestyle regime. Dieting causes thoughts of deprivation and most diet plans cannot be maintained long-term. Instead, let's revamp your current eating regime with avoiding these five foods because they are just not healthy for you and can pack on extra unwanted weight. Try to view food in a manner that you will ask yourself these important questions, "What are you going to get from eating this food?" and "Is this food nutritious to your body or is it a toxin with possible unhealthy side effects?"
Okay, let's get to those 5 top foods to avoid to help you lose weight:
1. Simple Carbohydrates: avoid simple carbohydrates found in processed foods as they are really empty calorie foods and offer zero nutrients to your body. Examples of most common simple carbohydrates are sucrose in simple sugar, white flour, honey, candy, cake, jam, biscuits, molasses, high fructose corn syrup, lactose in milk, maltose in most packaged cereals. Instead, consume complex carbohydrates especially vegetables like spinach, broccoli, zucchini, kale, Brussel sprouts, Swiss Chard and low glycemic fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, grapefruits, apple and pears. Yes, fruit also contains fructose so better to stock up on green leafy vegetables as opposed to fruit. Higher glycemic fruits are melons, mangoes, papayas, pineapples and bananas so treat them as an occasional treat. Balancing meals is always important.
2. Sugar and Sugary Beverages: Sugary beverages pack on the pounds and lead to over-consumption of calories. Water is definitely the best option when it comes to beverages. On a daily basis, in my private practice, I see many individuals who are dehydrated. It is more common then we think. Our bodies are made up of water so it's crucial that we replenish our bodies with water. If you want to add a flavor to your water then organic squeezed lemon along with organic stevia is a nice option. Research shows that sugar is very addictive and unhealthy as it affects our blood sugar levels, pancreatic functioning, feeds candida and cancer cells. Remember that artificial sugar free products stimulate your appetite, increase carbohydrate cravings, and stimulate fat storage and weight gain. Try organic stevia instead as it is form a plant and not artificial.
3. Corn, MSG, Soy isolate protein powder: these are all excitotoxins with no nutritional value. Soy and corn are fed to animals to fatten them up quickly, even grass fed animals that are not grass finished are fed maize (corn) and soy for several months before slaughter cause it is a high-starch food! Well, it does the same for us! Instead, you can opt for popped sorghum as it is an easy to assimilate fiber and high in theanine which elevates mood and helps curb cravings.
MSG is monosodium glutamate and linked to weight gain. It is used as a food additive and flavor enhancer in processed foods ranging from salad dressings, snack chips, meats and frozen dinners. It negatively impacts the brain and central nervous system.
4. Gluten: the protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and triticale is growing problematic for many individuals. Gluten causes inflammation and it increases zonulin production and thereby increases intestinal permeability. Several good books on this topic are Wheat Belly, Grain Brain and The Second Brain. Do not be mislead and replace all gluten products with gluten free products because that GF products may be fattening as well. Instead, replace with Paleo products, lean meats and vegetables.
5. Fried Foods: French Fries, deep-fried foods, potato chips, onion rings, tempura, donuts and any fried food item is a high-calorie, high-fat fried food to avoid. Today, most people are eating too much omega-6 fats from corn, vegetable oil, soybeans, sunflower oil and canola oil. The ideal ratio of omega-3 (good fats) to omega-6 is imbalanced among the typical Western diet around 1:50. Better option is to grill food choices.
To keep it simple, start eliminating one of the above food groups every Saturday and monitor how you feel. After 5 weeks, you should be free of the foods that are throwing your weight loss/management issues in a tizzy. Monitor your energy level, hunger level, mood, happiness and weight.
Remember you health is worth it because YOU are worth it!
Nancy Guberti is a Bio-Medical Nutritional Detective utilizing functional medicine lab work to discover the root cause of your health issues and provides you with a customized supplement and food regime for you to reach your optimal health goals. For those clients unable to come into the office, Nancy offers long-distance consultations via Skype or phone. Nancy consults with clients worldwide.
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8 Key Areas For Improving Your Diet And Eating Healthy

Whether we like to admit it or not we could all improve our diet in some way or another. Some people may want to improve their diet to lose weight which is understandable given the increasing obesity epidemic. However, maintaining a stable and well-balanced diet is just as important for slim people as it is overweight people.
It all boils down to your health! A healthy diet that's low-fat, low cholesterol and rich in fresh produce will greatly reduce your chances of serious diseases such as diabetes or heart failure. Fighting off diseases is best done through prevention not treatment so that means making the right food choices now to ensure good health for tomorrow. So, if you're ready to make some simple dietary switches that can have a big impact on your health then read on.
Eat More Fresh produce
This should be among your top priorities! Your diet should be made up of at least 70% fresh produce. Ensure a serving of vegetables or salad with each meal and snack on fruits to ensure your body is properly nourished. If you can entertain the idea of going organic then even better as you will remove other unwanted chemicals from your diet.
Whole Grains VS Refined Grains
One simple but profound dietary switch is to eat whole grain produce in place of refined grains. Simple switches such as wheat bread in place of white bread, or whole grain pasta in place of white pasts can go a long way. Whole grain foods are much more nutritious, and contain more fiber so you'll digest the food slower and feel fuller for longer.
Cut Out Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages are not kept in my household and I would recommend you do the same. Regular sodas contain lots of empty calories and are usually loaded with sugar. Even the healthier "diet" alternatives are loaded with nasty chemicals such as aspartame which can be damaging to your health.
Drink More Water
Water is essential for proper body functioning. It not only keeps us mentally and physically alert but it also serves to purify and free the body of toxins. Aim to make water your beverage of choice and sip away continuously throughout the day. Try also drinking a pint of fresh water prior to meals to help prevent over-eating.
Cut Back On Sugar
With diabetes becoming more and more commonplace, now is the time to better monitor your sugar consumption! Sugar comes in many forms and is found in an abundance of ready-made, processed foods so don't assume that your sugar intake is just that which you use for tea and coffee, or obvious foods such as sweets and chocolates!
Cook Your Own Meals
The only real way to ensure you know what's going in your body is to source and prepare the ingredients yourself. This may sound daunting to some but it really needn't be! There are lots of tasty meals you can knock up from scratch that require little effort and little time. This also sets a great example for the family and you can all enjoy healthy, nourishing, home cooked foods.
Grow Your Own Produce
What better way to ensure your diet is clean and healthy than to prepare and cook your own fresh produce. Not only will you ensure healthy eating for you and your family but you'll save some money as well, and you'll be doing the environment in a favor. So, if you've got a small garden that needs tending then consider setting up a small vegetable garden and planting a few seeds.
The USDA Dietary Guidelines
Every cycle of five years the USDA release a recommended set of dietary guidelines. The USDA dietary guideline serve as a great building block from which you can better establish a healthy eating plan. Given the increasing obesity epidemic in America it's safe to say the USDA have compiled good dietary guidelines that you can learn from.
Wrapping It Up
Making changes to your diet can be challenging at first. The key is to make small changes and incorporate them into your diet one at a time. The more you do something the more habitual it becomes so you'll soon find yourself making healthier food choices and opting for the fresh produce when you go shopping.
Want to know how to further optimize your nutrition?
Learn a few key areas for optimizing your nutrition for improved health and well-being.

Is Processed Food Harming Your Health?

Research has repeatedly shown that consuming an unrefined and unprocessed diet is far healthier than one high in processed foods.
Whilst this may appear fairly indisputable it is frequently ignored in favour of quick and apparently tastier food which often takes the form of high fat meals and snacks. Cambridge University has released a study highlighting that takeaways raise the likelihood of having an increased BMI (and thus, logically becoming obese). With long, often stressful, days becoming the norm in society surely our physical health should be a top priority? Food, after all, is essential in determining how one feels.
Clearly people remain unconvinced of the multiple benefits of adopting an unprocessed diet like those offered at Total Diet Food. It is often cited in research that junk food doesn't go off and the implications of this are concerning. Whilst most unprocessed food will last, at best, a little over a week before it begins to show signs of mould and the like, the same cannot be said for junk food which, in some cases, will look identical years after being made.
Eating raw or pure food is, fairly obviously, what the body is constructed for and hence, will automatically provide certain gains for an individual such as weight loss (where this is required) and a general sense of well-being. One may often find they can eat a lot more food (in terms of volume) for the same amount of calories in other foods such as ready meals. Eating healthy food does not necessarily equate to a 'boring' or a highly restricted diet.
The vast amount of unrefined food available is immense and nutrient dense, providing everything the body requires. If the body is receiving what it needs, one is far less likely to become poorly. Laden with calories and additives, junk food is arguably addictive causing people to eat more and more of a certain food to get the same satisfying feeling they desire after a period of time. Eating an occasional square of chocolate is, realistically, not going to derail a healthy diet. The same cannot be said for several bars...
Hence, it feels fair to conclude that unprocessed food is irrefutably better for an individual than processed food. This does not necessarily mean that one must entirely eradicate any food that is not absolutely natural from their diet but simply that it should be a rare treat in an otherwise fresh diet. If one takes on such a lifestyle, the benefits after just a few short weeks will be clearly noticeable both physically and mentally - junk food largely loses its appeal after one realises this fact.
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How to Lose Weight and Get Healthy

Losing weight and getting healthy are different sides of the same coin and can both be achieved using the same simple adjustments to your lifestyle. We have for many years been convinced that losing weight is some hard slog that most never achieve. Well in reality most don't achieve it because they are doing it wrong. Many are told what to eat by some diet group not to mention the humiliation of weighing in while others watch. What has weight really got to do with health anyway?
Most of us have been brought up on the 'a calorie is a calorie' dogma which is now being questioned. That is because the evidence is showing that it is less about how fat you are and more about how healthy you are. Being fat is an indicator but it isn't the whole story. The great thing is to slim down and to get healthy is quite simple and can be done without feeling like you are depriving yourself but you first need to understand that it is the processed rubbish that is making you ill.
So what is wrong with processed foods?
Over the last few decades we have moved more and more towards processed foods as it is cheap and lasts a lot longer than fresh food. The down side to this is that in order to make it last longer it has things added to it to make it last. It often has fibre removed so things can be frozen and with the blame being put on fat the fat is often reduced. The problem with that is food with low fat tastes rubbish so they add more sugar to make it taste good. All in all the food is tampered with to make it less healthy and in many cases make you eat more.
How should we be eating?
What is amazing about the obesity pandemic is that it is as a result of the world doing something wrong that we used to do right; eat. We have survived for thousands of years by eating food provided by nature yet food companies now think they can do it better. They clearly cant. The solution is to eat natural fresh foods that give us the nutrients that fuel our body. Think of it this way. Processed foods fuel the fat cells. Natural food fuels the real you, things such as the organs, the muscles and the bones.
So getting back to the original point of how do we lose weight and get healthy. Simply put you eat real food that has not been messed with by man. If it has a food label you must ask yourself if you really need it. By making this one change you will find food fills you up for the length of time it is meant to making you eat less. You will have more energy to exercise which will all together allow your body to slim down naturally in its own time. This is exactly how I did it. No calorie counting, no getting weighed in public, no buying low fat foods. Eat real food and get healthy for life.
For more information about weight lose and how to get fit and healthy visit

Do Quick Diets Work?

Drink this shake and eat a sensible dinner... take this pill, eat what you want and watch the fat burn away... sprinkle this on your meals and the weight just drops! These ads all sound great right? Anything quick and relatively easy ESPECIALLY if we can eat what we want AND lose weight just sounds spectacular. BUT do they work? Well in essence yes they do. If directions are followed you absolutely will lose weight. The key to this weight loss success is MAINTAINING the weight loss and unfortunately with these "get slim" quick products unless you plan to follow them for the rest of your life chances are more than likely that you will gain most if not more weight back.
I'm sure you already know what REALLY works, that's what it's all about right? Eating right and exercise blah blah blah. How many times have you heard that before? Gets old doesn't it? Trust me you are not alone. If you love food, and really could care less about exercise YOU ARE NOT ALONE! But let's not get comfortable there. Even though you are not alone we are not going to fall into the "misery loves company" mindset (not at all saying you're miserable but you get the point). Though many feel this way we have to figure out how to stop feeling this way and start taking action so we feel and look better than ever! So what exactly is that you ask? Well keep reading.
Here is what separates the majority from the few that actually eat relatively well most of the time and make it a point to exercise... they have made up in their MIND that they are going to get it done. Yes for a while they may have wanted to eat better, they may have even wanted to exercise. They set a goal and kept it for about a month and then got bored, something came up, or they weren't getting results like they wanted. Sound familiar? Finally in them something clicked. They realized it was going to take more than just a WANT and setting some GOALS to get this done. They were going to have to get their MIND in the game. Once you have your mind made up, usually there is no stopping you!
So what is your mindset right now? Are you setting realistic goals for yourself? How have those resolutions been holding up? It's one thing to WANT something but it's another thing to want it and make up in your mind that you are going to do it!!
No more get slim quick solutions. Yes we are a quick society, we like fast food, fast cars, fast results, express lanes, in and out appointments etc., but you have to keep in mind whatever your dealing with in health and wellness did not happen overnight. Making up in your mind that it's time for change and allowing yourself the TIME to actually make those changes are key to not just healthy weight loss but a healthy lifestyle in which the weight loss is maintained, doctors are shocked, and you feel great!
Let me ask again, where is your mind right now? If your mind is not in it 100% respect that. No problem! The great thing is you're being honest with yourself. You know YOU! Now I do hope you don't stay there but you're being realistic. What will it take for you to get there? What do you need? What has to change? When? Ask yourself these questions and more because it's TIME to feel better AND look better!
For those that are ready- your mind is made up and you are focused, how are things going? Are you becoming discouraged or still determined? STAY IN THE GAME!!
So what are you going to do?
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10 "Healthy" Foods That Could Pack On The Pounds!

Sometimes what we to believe to be "healthy" foods are actually add inches to our waistline! Somewhere in their ingredients is a dirty little secret! This secret either says they are loaded with sugar, preservatives, or highly processed. These can easily be substituted with more healthy foods that can help you keep your weight from creeping up even though you are eating "healthy."
Dried Fruit
Manufactures usually cover their dried fruit with sugar and other additives to help maintain its shelf life causing you to consume a large amount of unwanted sugar. Also remember that you are consuming more carbohydrates in a smaller package!
Substitute with this: dehydrate your own fruit own at home.
Trail Mix
While this stuff can be great when you are hiking and burning a ton of calories, it's not an ideal snack for the office because the excess sodium and sugars can quickly add up. Not to mention the version with chocolate pieces in it!
Substitute with this: purchase raw nuts.
Wheat Bread
Most wheat breads are not much more nutritious as regular white bread and can contain the same amount of calories.
Substitute with this: make sure your bread is 100% whole wheat.
Smoothies are great but don't think that just because the concoction you buy at the store is healthy just because it says "smoothie" (which are usually full of sugars).
Substitute with this: homemade smoothies are super easy to make.
Fruit Cocktail
While it sounds completely healthy, when purchased at the store, it is usually coated with syrup to increase its shelf life and taste (check out the ingredients).
Substitute with this: buy your own fruit and cut it up.
Cereal/Granola Bars
While convenient, granola bars can be loaded with salts and sugars to help preserve them, not to mention have a lot of calories with their nutrient content comparable to a snickers bar. Also many versions contain chocolate as well which can add a substantial amount of calories,
Substitute with this: roast your own oats or granola.
Light Salad Dressing
While this is a lot better than normal salad dressing, look at the list of ingredients next time you are making a salad (the ingredient list is a mile long). There is a ton of sugar and sodium in this stuff.
Substitute with this: balsamic vinegar can be amazing on a salad.
Fat-Free Yogurt
While it might have a reduced amount of fat compared to its counterpart, it has an enormous amount of sugar for flavoring. This sugar of course adds up to a bunch of calories!
Substitute with this: Greek yogurt is a great substitute. Plus it can be a great source of probiotics.
Fruit Juice
The amount of sugars in this stuff is amazing, and in some instances can be more than the sugar content of soda. Don't be fooled by the label "fruit" many times this simply means fruit flavoring... with a huge dose of sugar!
Substitute with this: buy only 100% fruit juices!
Corn Chips/Tortilla Chips
This is one that I'm guilty of consuming a lot (I love salsa). Corn chips have a massive amount of sodium and are full of fats and calories which can quickly add up!
Substitute with this: you can make your own (though time-consuming).
If you would like more information on living a healthy sustainable lifestyle check out Always Active Athletics. There you'll find "Your #1 Source For At-Home Fitness!"

Tips For Using Green Coffee Bean Extract As A Food Supplement

Green Coffee Bean Extract is one of the most popular food supplements in the world. People are always buying it and in the more dependable supplement stores, it can sell out as soon as they put it on the shelves.
This is because there are studies out there that show that it works for weight loss. The main studios are surrounding the main component Chlorogenic acid. This component has been shown to have an effect on the burning of fat and overall weight loss.
In fact, a study in India, into the effects of Green Coffee Bean Extract, found that when people took the supplement twice a day, during their weight loss regime lost almost 10% of their body weight in 5 months.
Other studies seemed to replicate the findings, thus supporting that Green Coffee Bean Extract does in fact have an effect on weight loss and burning fat. The famous Dr Oz in particular did one study. He compared weight loss results of one group of women, who were taking the supplement, with a control group, who were not taking the supplement.
The results confirmed that the women taking the supplement did see more weight loss. These results support other findings and have led to more people using the supplement to achieve their weight loss goals.
Negative Results
If you are reading this article and you are thinking that you have seen some users that have given the supplement a bad review on the website that they bought it from.
However, this is more about them and their expectations for the pill, rather than the pill itself. For example, it is not marketed as a magic pill that will make you lose weight no matter what you do. So you shouldn't expect to eat fast food and not exercise, but still lose weight because you are taking the pill. It does take some effort on your part.
If you are thinking about using Green Coffee Bean Extract as part of your weight loss struggle, then read on for some tips on how to take them.
1. Supplier - The old saying goes that you get what you pay for, so don't expect to pay cheaply for the supplement and it will have the same effect. The cheaper the supplement, the more likely it is that there is a small amount of coffee bean and then it has been diluted with other ingredients. If you want pure coffee bean extract, then you should expect to pay a little bit more. You should also stick to a reputable supplier and brand because their supplements are regulated and they will have to put the ingredients on the label. You should not take any supplements that do not have the ingredients clearly listed on the bottle.
2. Instructions - If there are instructions on the bottle, then you should follow them. If you take them any, which way you like, you should not expect to reap the benefits of taking Green Coffee Bean Extract. Some brands might even include a diet plan for you to follow. If they do, then you should follow the diet plan, but you can switch some options if you don't like them. Just plan to change it for something that has the same amount of calories in as the item that you have removed. You know that the extract is meant to be taken as a supplement and not as a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Custom Health Labs is one of the best suppliers of natural health supplements in the world. They have established themselves as an industrial leader in the industry, with their facility being FDA registered and GMP certified. In the manufacture of their products, they only use the highest grade, raw materials, with nothing synthetic and no hidden ingredients, to bulk their supplements. Their main focus is on customer service and customers who contact them will speak to a real person. They do not have computer generated services like some other companies in the industry. They also supply a printing service and custom formulas. You can visit their website at

Natural Sugars Vs Artificial Sweeteners: You Choose

You can't get enough of a good thing, right? Well, maybe not. Too much natural sugar in anyone's diet can cause a variety of issues including weight gain-that's why manufacturers turned to artificial sweeteners. These man-made alternatives dramatically decrease the calorie count in foods; this is particularly beneficial to those looking to control their weight or those needing to limit sugar intake due to diabetes. However, research now suggests artificial sweeteners may come at a price.
General Side Effects
Artificial sweeteners can cause a variety of side effects ranging from headaches, nausea, stomach upset, moodiness, and heart palpitations in certain individuals. Research also suggests that because of their super-sweet taste, these compounds can be much more addictive than naturally-occurring sugars.
Formaldehyde Production
Methanol, a component in aspartame, is broken down by the body into formaldehyde. And although some amounts exit the body through waste, some amounts stay behind. Consuming large quantities of foods and drinks with aspartame increases the likelihood of formaldehyde build up in the body, particularly in the liver and kidneys.
Since artificial sweeteners are relatively new, and are often combined with other chemicals, the oncology community has not conclusively proved that these compounds directly cause cancer. However several research studies have positively linked the use of saccharin to bladder cancer in rats, and another study reviewing the cases of 632 people affected by bladder cancer concluded that those using artificial sweeteners ran a higher risk of developing this form of cancer.
Do healthy diets need to give up sugar all together? Absolutely not! Many great alternatives to sugar can help you embrace a healthy lifestyle. Foods sweetened with honey, maple syrup, agave, or stevia not only taste great but offer a variety of benefits to your diet. However, healthy snacks should limit sugar. It's especially important to limit sugar in snacks for kids. High sugar intake in children can negatively affect mood, behavior, and sleeping patterns. Look for protein bars, granola bars, and other snacks that offer low-sugar or sugar alternatives to provide the healthiest snacks for your child.
The choice is yours. While too many natural sugars may lead to weight gain, too many artificial sweeteners may lead to serious health risks over a lifetime consumption. Healthy snacks exist as a good medium ground. Low in sugar and free of artificial sweeteners, snacks including granola and protein bars can offer excellent nutrition without any potential side effects.
Read more information about healthy snacks and where to order gluten free snacks in our blog.

Which Protein Powder Is Best for Women?

If you have been pursuing a regular workout routine, you might be considering adding protein powder to your diet as a meal replacement or after a workout. Using protein powder as a meal replacement or after a workout has been shown to increase fat loss results. So which protein powder is best for women? It basically depends on your fitness goals and also your budget.
Types of Protein Powders
Whey protein (meal replacement)
Whey protein powders come in many different flavors and from many different brands. Whey is the protein by-product when milk is separated to make cheese. Most of the fat goes to the cheese curds and you are left with the protein. This is why whey protein is an excellent choice for women to take. It can be used anytime, as a meal replacement, a snack or even as an extra boost in your smoothie.
Whey Isolate
Whey isolate is a purified version of regular whey protein. Whey isolate protein is a great choice for after a workout. Whey isolate is a quickly absorbed protein which means the amino acids will get into your muscles post-workout to help start the repairing process. Use of whey has been shown to increase fat loss, especially when used after a resistance training workout. This type of protein, is usually low in carbs.
Casein Protein
Casein Protein is a good choice a meal replacement or before bed. The reason why it is a good choice for those times, is that casein is slowly broken down by your body which means good continuous fuel for your muscles. This helps repair them over night or keep your hunger hormones in check through out the day.
Other Types of Protein Powders
There are several other types of protein powders such as egg, soy and vegetable. These are options if you are lactose intolerant or are a vegetarian or vegan. I do recommend staying away from soy, as it can increase estrogen, which is counter-productive to losing fat.
My recommendations on the best protein powders for women:
I recommend several brands that are easily found at nutrition stores near you.
Musceology Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Grass fed
Genesis Pure Complete Shake
Nuskin My Victory Protein
Another good protein mix is Grass-Fed Whey Protein. You can find it at your local supplement shop; it is rBst and rBgh free. It is also gluten-free, soy-free, and lactose-free. Also a great recommendation for a meal replacement is the Genesis Pure Complete Shake. It is low in carbohydrates and will help you stay filled up. It contains 20 grams of protein and is filled with a great amount of vitamins. All you have to do is mix one scoop of it with purified water or any type of milk of your choice.
Regardless of your gender, protein powders are key in staying fit, everyone needs protein! When you exercise hard, your muscles end up slightly damaged and you will be needing protein to help rebuild damaged muscles. The quicker you do this, the better, which is why taking protein powder is ideal to meeting your fitness goals. Most powders work really well, the thing you want to keep in mind is that it is all about preference. The beauty about protein powder is that, say you do not have a meal on to eat; a quick combination of protein and milk can replace a high in protein meal. Be sure to keep in mind though that there should be a balance between food and supplements. Make sure you are not substituting supplements for meals too much.
So which powder is best for women? There are tons, just pick the one that suits your needs and goals!

How to Eat Healthy Without Obsessing About It (In 7 Easy Steps)

As a major portion of our food became heavily processed, health concerns have been spreading during the last few decades, with tons of books telling us how to eat right. However, with the Internet, there is often way too much advice and conflicting information on how to eat and it can become overwhelming. Have you ever hit that wall and just wanted to revert to whatever you ate before? Eating healthy is not supposed to be a chore, and most of us have no time to dwell on it too much, either. Follow these simple steps instead, and clean eating will become much easier.
Step 1 - Don't Buy Junk
If you plant your own garden or raise your own animals for food, now that's the best way to eat healthy, but for most people in urban settings, it all begins with shopping. The trick is not to buy the wrong kinds of food. With only great foods in your kitchen, you have done 90% of the job. Ask yourself "is this an excellent food?" before putting any food or drink into your cart. If it has been stripped of nutrients and then "enriched", skip it. Soon you will buy only whole foods without thinking.
Step 2 - Eat Fresh
Always make sure that the produce you buy is as fresh as possible. The more food sits on the shelf, the more of its vitamin content is lost. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables. Do not shun frozen fruits and vegetables - they undergo quick freezing so the nutrients are almost completely preserved. Nuts, seeds and cold pressed oils also must be fresh as they easily go rancid, and the oils should always be in a dark bottle to minimize oxydation.
Step 3 - Buy Real Food
There are three key words here: organic, raw and unprocessed. Food should be as close to its natural state as possible. Everything else serves only the industry and the profit. This is why we have GM crops and animals fed with antibiotics and hormones. Food is being pasteurised in order to make its shelf life much longer than it should be. It is being processed so the industry can make use of cheap ingredients like sugar and get rid of the waste byproducts by hiding it in other products. As a rule of thumb: if something has an ingredient list, it is usually not an amazingly nutritious food.
Step 4 - Grandma Knows Best
There are good reasons for doing things the old way, usually science is just too late with explanations. The old ways work: develop some love for old school cooking. Broths are mineral rich and heal your gut. Raw fermented vegetables are great natural probiotics. Soak your grains and beans properly to make them more digestible. Eat butter and lard instead of toxic margarine. Eat the foods that are currently in season, our bodies have adapted to that through generations. It is because we are forsaking these things that our health is plummeting.
Step 5 - Variety
Monotonous or extreme diets sometimes do harm in the long run. You can hardly go wrong with varied nutrition if you are uncertain what is best for you, because it has stood the test of time. When you shop, vary your choices within the same food groups. Have a colorful plate: fill at least half of your plate with vegetables. Various fruits, nuts and seeds make for wonderful, nutritious snacks in between meals.
Step 6 - Listen to Your Body and Experiment
As you wean yourself off industrial food, you will become more in tune with your body and start noticing which foods make you feel good or ill. It is always a good idea to try elimination diet if you suspect that you are sensitive or allergic to a certain food.
For people with chronic diseases, this is where further adjustments are needed. The good news is that you have likely eliminated a great deal of the bad guys by simply choosing whole foods.
Step 7 - Defeat Hurry by Thinking Ahead
Lack of time and hurry are the number one reason why people resort to processed foods. Many foods can be prepared in bulk ahead of time and last long enough in the refrigerator, like salads or pâtés. Your freezer should always be loaded with fish fillets, thin-sliced meat and frozen vegetables. Experiment with fast cooking techniques (like stir-frying) and foods that cook fast (like eggs, per example). Some commercially available nutritious foods do not require any preparation: nuts and nut butters, dairy, sprouted bread - just to name a few.
Eating healthy is not that hard, but it does take some will and planning. The good news is that you can really lay the foundation down by shopping right. If you rely on simple principles rather than on complicated, strict diet prescriptions and calorie counting, eating healthy will soon become a routine.

Watch Out For Snacking When Driving

Think about the last time you may have munched on some food while driving your car. Not only is this a hazard (and not recommended) since your mind is not entirely focused on driving, but you're also not thinking about how much you are actually eating. If you have the habit of snacking when driving you may be eating more than you should. Depending on how often this occurs may be one reason for weight gain or the inability to lose the weight that has already accumulated.
The problem when snacking when driving is that you may not realize how much food you are putting in your body. Depending on the length of your drive, you may easily be tossing food in your mouth for 30 minutes or more. Worse yet, the snacks you may have in your car are likely a box of cookies or bag of potato chips - both of which are unhealthy, wasted calories that provide no nutrition for your body.
Snacking When Driving Can Add Tons Of Wasted Calories Into Your Body
It's true that eating healthy snacks in appropriate portion sizes between meals is a good practice to maintain. However, far too often snacks consumed when you are in "automatic" mode go way overboard which means an excess amount of food enters the body at that one particular moment.
Try to get in the habit of NOT eating when preoccupied with another task such as snacking when driving a car, reading a book, watching tv, or even using the computer. These are examples of times when the brain is primarily focused on something else and our hand/mouth can easily go into automatic mode.
If you are determined to continue snacking while doing another activity, don't do so from a bag or box. Eating in this manner leaves you open to excessive munching. Remedy this by having a pre-portioned snack with you along with a bottle of water (not a soda or juice).
Try and have your snacks prepared and stored in your refrigerator so they're always ready to go in an instant. A fruit with a bottle of water makes a simple "to go" snack and is only about 100 calories total! If you have more time, you can slice up different fruits to have a nice variety of tastes. Almonds mixed with raisins or granola bars make great low-calorie travel snacks also.
Avoid Snacking When Driving Or When Doing Any Other Leisure Activity
The next time you go grocery shopping, make sure to buy healthy items so it's easy for you to snack in an appropriate manner. Once you have the snacks in your possession, you are halfway there to healthy munching throughout the day! Now it's just up to you to stick with it and avoid the temptations to fall back into the old unhealthy routines.
Gregory L. Gomez, an elementary school teacher who's also on a mission to develop a healthy life, lose weight, and finally get in shape. Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 80 pounds through dedicated exercise and healthy eating. Get some cool freebies just for stopping by at

Five Powerful Food Pairing Combinations

Preparing meals to get the most nutrients into your body and for them to be absorbed is really pretty simple once you learn the most important power couples of foods. This makes things so much easier when you are preparing snacks, smoothies, even large meals. There are certain myths of food combinations that are floating around on the internet which is why I wanted to share with you the top 5 food combinations to get the maximum benefits from your meals to fuel your day
1. Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat Combination:
I recommend building most of your snacks and meals with this simple, yet amazing trio combination. This aids in muscle repair and will really help sustain your energy throughout the day. Pairing carbohydrates and proteins is a key that a lot of people miss. There are a lot of misconceptions about carbohydrates, so many people tend to exclude them from their diet, which really, is doing your body a disservice. Did you know that your body's metabolism runs off of glucose- which comes from carbohydrates? If your body does not have some sort of carbohydrate at least a few times a day, your metabolism will not function to the best of its ability. That means - even to digest and process protein and fat, your body NEEDS carbohydrates. I am not talking about just bread - in fact I would recommend more whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, millet just to name a few. Complex carbohydrates that slowly digest and do not raise your blood sugar in a hot minute. Carbohydrates work as a taxi for the protein, carrying it where it needs to go faster. So while protein works with muscle repair and energy, fat keeps you full longer. This way nutrients trickle into the places that they need to be in and stay there longer which is great for endurance or long days at the office. Protein and fat also help with brain function. If you are a busy business owner this combination is good for you.
How does this work with juicing you ask? Have a tsp of almond butter with your juice to help it digest slowly into the muscles. Have a small snack of whole grain crackers as well with your juice. That is a perfect snack for a midday slump instead of reaching for the candy bar or bag of potato chips.
Sources: Greek Yogurt with almonds or walnuts and fresh fruit, whole grain rice crackers with nut butter, quinoa with vegetables and cheese, or salmon with brown rice and vegetables.
2. Iron and Vitamin c:
Pay attention to this combination if you are vegetarian. While the body can readily absorb iron from animal sources most of the time, iron from plant sources like spinach, kale, etc., need the help of vitamin C to get the full benefit and have it properly absorbed and sent to where it needs to go. This pairing needs to be consumed in the SAME MEAL to get the benefits of enhanced iron absorption. Iron helps the body fight off fatigue and soreness by carrying oxygen to the muscles.
Sources: Lentil salad with lemon and red bell peppers, spinach strawberry salad with pumpkin seeds, Brussel sprouts with sesame seeds with a little lemon.
3. Vitamin D and Calcium:
I am sure this is not the first time that you have heard how important vitamin D is for your health but let me stress this... IT IS SOOO VERY IMPORTANT that you are getting enough vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a very large role in our immune system and if you are not getting enough, you will start to experience all sorts of health problems which can certainly be avoided. I check ALL of my clients' vitamin D levels and keep a close eye on that number. I have done a lot of research on this amazing vitamin and trust me, I am not saying this for my own health, you need to be aware of what your number is. The magic number is over 50. So how can you get those most of the vitamin D in the foods we eat? Add calcium. Your body needs vitamin D to effectively absorb calcium, which is often lost in sweat. Calcium keeps your muscles healthy as well as keeping your bones strong. The key to this combination is to spread it out throughout the day since the body can only absorb small am ounts of calcium at a time.
Best sources of calcium: yogurt, broccoli, arugula, dried figs and almonds. Vitamin D is naturally present in fatty fish like salmon and tuna as well as egg yolks.
4. Carotenoids and Dietary Fat:
Did you know that a diet too low in fat can actually do more damage than if you consume large amounts of fat? The fat I am talking about is the good fat obviously - not a stick of butter as Paula Deen would want, of course that is terrible for you no matter how you look at it. A diet too low in fat can also leave your body ill equipped to absorb vitamins and carotenoids that aid in immune system function. Your body can only absorb these fat-soluble vitamins and compounds when fat is present.
Healthy sources include: Avocados, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, paired with brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
5. Complementary Protein Pairings:
Protein is the building block for muscles, organs and connective tissues in the body. There are many animal protein sources as well as many vegetable protein sources. So whether you are a plant based eater or you like a little meat in your diet, this combo could offer you some great health benefits. Vegetable protein sources offer the combination of protein, fiber and multiple vitamins and minerals without saturated fats found in animal protein. Beans and other protein rich plant sources typically do not have all of the amino acids in them to call them a complete protein which is why it is good to pair them with foods that contain the other needed amino acids, this will make the meal a complete protein packed with multiple nutrients and minerals. These combos do not have to be eaten in the same meal, but they do need to be eaten within the same day to get the full benefit.
Sources and Combos: Rice and beans, hummus and pita bread or rice crackers, lentils with nuts and seeds.
Colleen M. McCarthy RD, LD, CLT is a registered and licensed dietitian and author of Drinks on Me!, an informational and how-to book for the beginner juicer. Colleen holds a Bachelor of Arts in dance, a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and is a Certified LEAP Therapist. Colleen is a member of the AND, Georgia Chapter of the AND, American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Gluten Intolerance Group, Celiac Disease Foundation, among others. She specializes in food sensitivities and sports/ wellness nutrition. Food sensitivity detection and coaching entrepreneurs on the link between good health and business success are Colleen's specialties, as well as working with athletes with food sensitivities. Visit to sign up to receive Colleen's free special reports The Importance of Mind/Body Connection.
She is living with celiac disease herself, so she knows the frustrations of doctors appointment after doctors appointments, getting nowhere and just wanting to feel better. She is also a current freelance professional dancer and knows the value of proper eating to increase endurance and performance. In her free time, Colleen loves listening to music, going to see live music, dancing, Pilates, Yoga, shopping, spending time with her new nephew and being with friends and family.